chbrown / twttr

Twitter API client for Clojure supporting REST and Streaming endpoints
35 stars 11 forks source link

It would be great if this would work in clojurescript #9

Open unison3 opened 4 years ago

unison3 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the work and contributions on Twttr and the Clojure community. I have been learning the basics of Clojure and really enjoying it.

I've been learning from a tutorial and built a basic bot for un-following on Twitter and found it really interesting.

I want to do the same in Clojurescript but could not get twitter to work. Would I have to rewrite it using js interop as opposed to java? Or could it be done using .cljc ?

I would be grateful if you could give me any pointers to get it working in .cljs. Once finished I would like to contribute and share what I complete here.

Kindest regards
