Open ceckoslab opened 2 months ago
@auxten I was able to create a repro in a single file.
Here is an example:
const { query, Session } = require("chdb");
var ret;
// Test standalone query
ret = query("SELECT version(), 'Hello chDB', chdb()", "CSV");
console.log("Standalone Query Result:", ret);
// Test session query
// Create a new session instance
const session = new Session("./corrupt-on-shutdown");
session.query("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS testdb;");
session.query("USE testdb;");
// Let's create a bunch of talbes
for (let t = 0; t < 20; t++) {
console.log("Running create table num: " + t);
session.query(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS testtable_${t} (id UInt32) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY id;`)
// Let's insert bunch of data
for (let c = 0; c < 30; c++) {
console.log("Running query num: " + c);
session.query("INSERT INTO testtable_0 VALUES (1), (2), (3);");
ret = session.query("SELECT * FROM testtable_0;")
console.log("Session Query Result:", ret);
// Handle the SIGINT signal (Ctrl+C)
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
console.log("\nReceived SIGINT. Exiting gracefully...");
process.exit(0); // Exit with a success code
// Keep the script running indefinitely
console.log("Press Ctrl+C to stop the script.");
setInterval(() => {}, 1000); // An empty interval to keep the event loop active
I get the error on every 2-3 runs.
I am waiting till I see the message "Press Ctrl+C to stop the script." and I press Ctrl+C few seconds after that.
System info:
"dependencies": {
"chdb": "^1.2.1"
I should fix this issue first
I have been playing with chdb-node a lot lately - exploring what can I do with the project. I am working on a proof of concept a local emulator of a cloud based datawarehouse.
I programmed a lot logic in a single index.js file and I was running and stopping the index.js a few times a day.
Today I got a strange error after is was trying to start again the index.js with recent changes:
Attempt 1:
Attempt 2::
After deleting the chdb data folder everything started working fine.
Here comes the question:
We we need to do or can we do something on SIGINT and SIGTERM ? I suppose that there could be cases where we could cause data corruption if we do not stop properly chdb while chdb is still processing data.
For example I noticed this code fragment in another project that takes requests and writes them to file system:
Full source code here: