cheapjack / MileCastles

RFID driven distributed text adventure
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Provide integration test image and wiring reference #86

Closed cefn closed 7 years ago

cefn commented 7 years ago

This is an issue as per telecon with @cheapjack to provide an integration testing image as well as wiring reference information for the use of Hardware SPI.

This should be uploaded using

The (fastest) invocation I use which relies on the use of the v2 flasher stub (insanely fast) is... --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 1500000 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size=32m 0 integration-test.bin

However, the standard v1.3 is the one installed by pip2 and pip3 and probably needs to be invoked with a lower baud rate... --port /dev/ttyUSB0 --baud 115200 write_flash --flash_mode dio --flash_size=32m 0 integration-test.bin

On success, it should make positive noises. You should then unplug and replug the cockle and it should report "Hello World" on screen. Placing an RFID on it should cause the tag id to be displayed.

If you want to be sure the firmware is operating, but not sure of your wiring, try connecting like... screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200

Initially this will show nothing and be unresponsive, since it should be running the test case. Hit CTRL+C to kill the running test case, and you should have the normal REPL chevrons, and be able to run... begin the test routine again (causing "Hello World" on screen and looking for tags)

cefn commented 7 years ago

The initial version of the firmware image, tested locally with my wiring is now available at

cefn commented 7 years ago

Wiring is as per the Hardware SPI pin assignments at

I have assigned colors based on 20 pins - half a 40 pin rainbow dupont split exactly down the middle.

NOTE! The cockle is placed in a breadboard with an offset, to allow two pins next to the D1-D8 pins. This means two wires need to be inserted into the 5v and GND rows to break out the rows to the power rails on the other side beneath the cockle BEFORE inserting it in the breadboard. I used a pair of tinned copper (@ShrimpingIt) jumper wires pre-bent to come out from under the board at the top, bent back and connected to the power rails.

The looms have the following sequence, in two groups of 6 for the screen and one group of 8 for the reader. They are listed below in the sequence left to right based on the boards facing upwards flat on the desk, with pins pointing toward you. note the 10 colors are each used twice...

Screen Loom 1

Brown, Red, Black, White, Grey, Purple

Far left 6 pins

Screen Loom 2

Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, [Red, Brown TWISTED] !! Keeps Red +5v, Brown GND

Far right 6 pins

Reader Loom

Black, White, Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange

All 8 pins

Loom to Cockle wiring details

Screen Loom 1

BLK -> 0V [Brown] - Backlight Cathode BLA -> 5V [Red] - Backlight Anode VOUT -> UNCONNECTED [Black] - Reference voltage RST -> 5V [White] - Screen Reset NC -> UNCONNECTED [Grey] - Not Connected (unused pin) PSB -> 0V [Purple] - Parallel Serial Bus selector (indicating we are using Serial - SPI)

Screen Loom 2

E-> D5/GPIO14 [Blue] - SPI SCK (Serial Clock) R/W -> D7/GPIO13 [Green] - SPI MOSI RS -> D8/GPIO15 [Yellow] - Screen SPI Slave Select V0 -> 5V [Orange] - LCD Contrast voltage VCC -> 5V [Red] - Power supply +5V positive GND -> GND [Brown] - Power supply common negative

Reader Loom

SDA -> D4/GPIO2 (Black) - Reader SPI Slave Select SCK -> D5/GPIO14 (White) - SPI Serial Clock MOSI -> D7/GPIO13 (Grey) - SPI MOSI MISO -> D6/GPIO12 (Purple) - SPI MISO IRQ -> UNCONNECTED (Blue) - Interrupt Request Pin (as yet unused) GND -> GND (Green) - Power supply common negative RST -> D3/GPIO0 (Yellow) - Reader Reset 3.3V -> 3.3V (Orange) - Low Power supply +3.3V positive

 Pololu power trip


cefn commented 7 years ago

img_20170503_224615320 img_20170503_224552065 ![img_20170503_224421957](https://c img_20170503_224443347 img_20170503_224517550


cheapjack commented 7 years ago

@cefn Integration test is working so if you can get a Corbridge game image together tonight I think its worth us going up and scoping out the install and get some documentation. Magnet mechanism a little bit dodgy but im working on that.

cefn commented 7 years ago

Shall I just designate a pin as the Polulu OFF pin? Should we say D1 (at a guess) since D0 seems to be special around powerup.

cheapjack commented 7 years ago

👍 yes D1 should do

cheapjack commented 7 years ago

@cefn Ive actually been wiring D2 to OFF on the pololu now sorry

cefn commented 7 years ago

Now superceded by