cheapjack / buildyourown

Project mgmt and help files for DesktopProsthetics Baylee Abbott & DoESLiverpool's 3D printed prosthetic hand project within the FACT BuildYourOwn Show
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Finish assembling the adult demonstrator hand #58

Closed amcewen closed 9 years ago

amcewen commented 9 years ago

The hand in the tub marked "Adult demonstrator" (which is from the files in hands/demonstrator-90) needs a new tensioner pin, and foam and velcro adding. Then it can be placed on the table along with the other demonstration hands.

DefProc commented 9 years ago

Needs re-tensioning, but it is together.

amcewen commented 9 years ago

So there's still work to do on this?

DefProc commented 9 years ago

Re-tensioning is done.