cheapjack / buildyourown

Project mgmt and help files for DesktopProsthetics Baylee Abbott & DoESLiverpool's 3D printed prosthetic hand project within the FACT BuildYourOwn Show
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Complete remaining hand prints under scope of Exhibition at FACT #85

Closed cheapjack closed 9 years ago

cheapjack commented 9 years ago

I've had an audit of what still needs printing before we pass onto the interest group and look at wing printing. We'd hoped to have been printing wings at this point but the re-print issue delayed us.

Needs to start printing:

In progress see measuring workshop file for colour ref


cheapjack commented 9 years ago

This is current status from the Measuring Workshop document:

In progress Wings

Complete Raptor Wings

Complete Raptor Hands

cheapjack commented 9 years ago

Closing, referred to in passed onto Prosthetic interest group

amcewen commented 9 years ago

Pah, if you'd left it another hour I'd have been able to mark this closed because all the printing is complete. Just taken the final print for troy-vane off the printer :-)

cheapjack commented 9 years ago

:) thanks for taking charge of remaining queue and wing scaling Ive not had chance to do much on that :)