checkiz / elixir-mongo

MongoDB driver for Elixir
MIT License
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Fix bug where successful operations that were run in safe mode threw errors #15

Closed smashedtoatoms closed 8 years ago

smashedtoatoms commented 9 years ago

Fixed a bug where setting safe mode resulted in the following error that occurred on a legitimate insert (The insert worked, but threw this error):

iex> Mongo.Collection.insert_one(%{test: "tickle"}, collection)
** (KeyError) key :getLastError not found in: %Mongo.Db{auth: nil, mongo: %Mongo.Server{host: '', id_prefix: 59155, mode: :passive, opts: %{wc: :safe}, port: 27017, socket: #Port<0.5820>, timeout: 6000}, name: "test", opts: %{mode: :passive, timeout: 6000, wc: :safe}}
    (mongo) lib/mongo_collection.ex:91: Mongo.Collection.insert/2
    (mongo) lib/mongo_collection.ex:63: Mongo.Collection.insert_one/2

Now that legitimate insert works as expected:

iex> Mongo.Collection.insert_one(%{test: "tickle"}, collection)
{:ok, %{test: "tickle"}}

And an illegitimate insert (in this case, an insert to a non-root node in a cluster) results in this:

iex> Mongo.Collection.insert_one(%{test: "tickle"}, collection)
 %{code: 10058, connectionId: 290992, err: "not master",
   lastOp: %Bson.Timestamp{inc: 0, ts: 0}, n: 0, ok: 1.0}}
smashedtoatoms commented 9 years ago

Different tests failed in Travis CI than failed locally for me. One subsequent runs, all tests passed and I can't get them to fail. I'm not sure what is going on, but I am reasonably sure that my modification did not break any tests.