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Suggest NPM packages to include in the Checkly Runtime #291

Open tnolet opened 1 year ago

tnolet commented 1 year ago

We regularly release new Runtimes with updated NPM packages. We would love to hear which 3rd party NPM packages you rely on and are missing in our Runtime.

Please comment below with a package name you would love to see in our next Runtime!

slmoore commented 1 year ago

Hi @tnolet ! 2 npm package suggestions that would be helpful in the runtime, date-fns and react-localization, thanks!

tnolet commented 1 year ago

@slmoore We JUST released a beta of the new runtime! It includes data-fns. Here is the blurb we just posted on our community Slack.

Hey Folks, I’m excited to announce that we just released the beta version of our latest runtime, 2023.02! Here’s a quick overview of the main updates: Upgraded libraries:

To try out the new runtime, simply enable it in the labs menu and start using it in your Checks.

clementlize commented 1 year ago

Hello, I would like to add luxon as a dependency. Below is the message I sent in the Slack to understand the context 😄

Hi there, I've been wondering if you were planning to add more dependencies in the future runtimes. I especially am very surprised that moment is still available but its new version luxon is not.

What I want to do: I wanted my test to have multiple behaviours based on the current time. For example, if it's currently between 10am and 1pm I'll check that div A is visible, and if it's between 5pm and 8pm I'll check that div B is visible.

The problem: I used the JS Date constructor new Date() in my code and then extracted the hour using Date.getHour(). I live in France, currently the timezone is UTC+02. When I run my check locally, it's fine but when I upload it and run it in Checkly, the hour value is what I expect minus 2 (because I guess your servers have a UTC local timezone).

My current solution: I saw that the moment library was available in the 2022.02 and 2022.10 runtimes, but moment does not support timezones! Well at least it's better than plain JS Date, so I found this function to extract the timezone offset and then pass it to moment. It works fine.

 * From
 * @param timeZone 
 * @param date 
 * @returns 
const getOffset = (timeZone, date) => {
    const utcDate = new Date(date.toLocaleString('fr-FR', { timeZone: 'UTC' }));
    const tzDate = new Date(date.toLocaleString('fr-FR', { timeZone }));
    return (tzDate.getTime() - utcDate.getTime()) / 6e4;

const date = moment().utcOffset(getOffset("Europe/Paris", new Date()));
const day = date.get("day");
const hour = date.get("hours");

What do I want? Moment developers themselves say that we shouldn't really use it anymore, and choose alternatives. See this blog post. They even created a better version, luxon. And it has exactly what I need to handle timezones. Here is the same code using luxon:

const date ="Europe/Paris");
const day = date.weekday;
const hour = date.hour;

So I would like you to integrate luxon in the dependencies :slightly_smiling_face: I don't really know what are the constraints about adding a new dependency, I'll let you tell me :smile: Thanks

TaylorFacen commented 1 year ago

I would love to see prisma included so that I can set up and tear down my data for browser checks more easily. For example, I might need to create a user with certain assets before completing a browser checks. Then, I would need to delete that user and their assets after the check.

socluka commented 1 year ago

There's a good solution to validating incoming email messages for gmail, that reduces the need for yet more third party apps in your testing stack: This however requires @google-cloud/local-auth and googleapis in the npm runtime.

Is this something we might expect or is it too risky security-wise, since it requires our credentials stored in a json on your end?

Edit: Might be that only googleapis is required, and that local-auth is only required locally when initializing the credential files.