checkout / frames-android

Frames Android: making native card payments simple
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Updated dependencies to allow usage of Kotlin 1.9, AGP 8+ and latest … #234

Closed nunofvalente closed 8 months ago

nunofvalente commented 9 months ago

…Compose version



Proposed changes

Frames SDK contains a lot of dependencies that are old and are an obstacle for companies to upgrade their codebases to use the latest dependencies as it is usually not supported by this SDK.

As we want to migrate to the newest Kotlin, AGP and Compose version we need Frames to be able to handle these versions as it was crashing our app. There is already an issue where people are not able to update their dependencies due to conflicts.

Migrated following dependecies:

The application now compiles with Java 17 instead of Java 8 as it is a requirement for AGP 8.1.0.

Test Steps

All the tests have passed. Didn't introduce new code, only changed what was not supported or deprecated. I have tested the apps and they were working fine.


Further comments

Most of the files were probably due to me optimising the imports.

MonochromeLauncherIcon lint issue is due to not having a monochromatic icon. More information here: MonochromeLauncherIcon

chintan-soni-cko commented 9 months ago

@nunofvalente Thanks for raising this PR. We will review it, and prioritise this tech stack upgrade soon for our future releases.

PuhalschiAlexandru commented 9 months ago

Sorry to bother you @chintan-soni-cko, Any updates on this PR? We have problems with SDK after migrating to a new Kotlin, AGP and Compose versions on our project, will help a lot if there is an ETA on the merge for this PR. Thanks!

patrick-hoban-cko commented 9 months ago

Hey @PuhalschiAlexandru, we do plan to start making this upgrade next week once we finish some other priority work.

I'll come back on here once we have more concrete timelines for releasing a new version of our Frames Android SDK. Thank you for your patience in the meantime!

fabio-insolia-cko commented 8 months ago

This PR is done as part of