checkout / frames-android

Frames Android: making native card payments simple
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I can't change the "Billing Address" title of the form #235

Open Elio-Flow opened 9 months ago

Elio-Flow commented 9 months ago

Describe the bug I can't change the "Billing Address" title of the form

To Reproduce

When I click on "Add Billing Address" or "Edit Billing Address" and the form is raised to enter the user's address data, then I cannot change the title of the form, it always remains with the text "Billing Address"

I also need to be able to control the validation of the Zip Code field to only 5 digits or other custom validation

Expected behavior I need to be able to change the text to any other

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

Smartphone (please complete the following information):

Captura de pantalla 2023-09-19 a la(s) 6 24 01 p  m

Additional context

I am using this code block to change the "Billing Address" text

fun provideHeaderComponentStyle (constants : PaymentFormConstants) = HeaderComponentStyle( headerTitleStyle = TextLabelStyle( textId = R.string.billing_information, -> DOES NOT change the text textStyle = TextStyle(color = constants.textColor, size = 22, textAlign = TextAlign.End), leadingIconStyle = ImageStyle ( tinColor = constants.textColor, image = R.drawable.cko_ic_arrow_back, height = 16, width = 16, padding = Padding(end = 28) ), containerStyle = ContainerStyle( color = constants.backgroundColorScreen, height = 68, width = 300, ) ) . . . etc


You can find the complete code of this code base here