checkout / frames-android

Frames Android: making native card payments simple
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PIMOB: Java sample app updated for CVV tokenization #246

Closed chintan-soni-cko closed 8 months ago

chintan-soni-cko commented 8 months ago



Proposed changes

  1. Updated java sample app
  2. Added a new button for cvv tokenisation to redirect to the new screen
  3. Added a new overloaded method name as provideCvvComponentContent for the merchant who is not using compose in Java or kotlin language

Note: This is a traditional sample app and added minimal UI design just for demonstrating how it will work without compose UI



  1. open java sample app
  2. click on cvv tokenisation
  3. verify amex cvv component and pay button working along with cvv validation working as expected
  4. Try to add more customise option for cvv input field
  5. Create token with success and failure scenario to test the behaviour


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Further comments

If this is a relatively large or complex change, kick off the discussion by explaining why you choose the solution you did and what alternatives you considered, etc...