checkout / frames-android

Frames Android: making native card payments simple
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Feature Request: Add Save Card Checkbox Functionality #255

Open devs-gireeb opened 7 months ago

devs-gireeb commented 7 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.

Currently, there is no provision for a "Save Card" checkbox during the payment process. This checkbox is commonly used to allow users to save their card information for future transactions, providing a convenient option for returning customers.

Describe the solution you'd like

I propose the addition of a "Save Card" checkbox in the payment form, allowing users to opt-in to save their card information securely for future transactions. This would enhance user experience and streamline the checkout process for returning customers.

Describe alternatives you've considered

Manually storing card details for future use is a common practice but can be cumbersome and may pose security concerns. The inclusion of a built-in "Save Card" checkbox would provide a standardized and secure way to handle this functionality.

Additional context

As a temporary solution, we currently show a dialog to ask the user if they would like to save their card information. However, a built-in checkbox would provide a more standardized and user-friendly approach.

This feature would be beneficial for both users and merchants, improving the overall convenience and efficiency of the payment process.

patrick-hoban-cko commented 7 months ago

Hey @devs-gireeb thanks for raising this query.

Adding an 'intent' to save a card through a checkbox is something we'll want to add in the future, but we have no hard timelines on this right now. Note that we do support secure CVV tokenisation for saved card payments that are required to be made always with a CVV, for which you can read more here.

If I have any further updates on the above I'll keep you informed.

