checkpoint-restore / criu

Checkpoint/Restore tool
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cannot dump shell job stopped by ctrl+Z #2352

Closed benibela closed 4 months ago

benibela commented 4 months ago


cannot dump shell job stopped by ctrl+Z

Steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. run program
  2. CTRL+Z
  3. dump program

Describe the results you received:

# criu dump -t 1020741 --shell-job -D /tmp/testcriuSTOP
Error (compel/src/lib/infect.c:311): SEIZE 1020741: unsupported stop signal 20
Error (compel/src/lib/infect.c:355): Unable to detach from 1020741: No such process
Error (criu/cr-dump.c:1781): Dumping FAILED.

Describe the results you expected:

a dump

Additional information you deem important (e.g. issue happens only occasionally):

So you can stop a process with SIGSTOP and SIGTSTP, which are pretty much identical. SIGSTOP works with criu. But Ctrl+Z uses SIGTSTP, which does not work with criu.

Which I did not know, but now that I know it, it makes the issue rather irrelevant, since I am just going to use SIGSTOP

Why do I want to stop the program? Because with the other issues, I do not know if a restore is possible, so I am going to create a core dump, too, and I do not want it to run between core dump and criu dump.

CRIU logs and information:

Output of `criu --version`:

``` Version: 3.16.1 ```

Output of `criu check --all`:

``` Looks good. ```

Additional environment details:

Snorch commented 4 months ago
git describe --contains c7858ba42bed2e072ef3842046f4a6335e70ee44

c7858ba42 ("infect: add SIGTSTP support")

You need to try the same with criu 3.18+, it should be fixed already.