there are some minor issues with the Info.plist file:
• the 'CFBundleVersion' entry is 'beta 0.10.1' however accordings to Apple's documentation / rules this field should only contain numbers and dots
• there is a CFBundleGetInfoString in your Info.plist. this has been deprecated for more than 10 years and should not be used unless you target Mac OS X older than 10.5 - use 'NSHumanReadableCopyright' for your copyright info
there are some minor issues with the Info.plist file:
• the 'CFBundleVersion' entry is 'beta 0.10.1' however accordings to Apple's documentation / rules this field should only contain numbers and dots
• there is a CFBundleGetInfoString in your Info.plist. this has been deprecated for more than 10 years and should not be used unless you target Mac OS X older than 10.5 - use 'NSHumanReadableCopyright' for your copyright info