checkra1n / BugTracker

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Cydia is stuck. Nothing works. How can I fully delete Cydia? #2346

Open Am3lieGit opened 1 year ago

Am3lieGit commented 1 year ago

Tell us about your setup:

  1. What iDevice are you using? iPhone 8
  2. On what version of iOS is it? iOS 14.2
  3. What version of checkra1n are you using? beta 0.12.4
  4. What is your host system? macOS Monterey 12.6.2

What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. Jailbreak through ckeckra1n
  2. tap install Cydia
  3. Cydia recognizes previous Cydia and asks to reinstall 4.. After I press reinstall Cydia installation ends with errors(screenshot 1)
  4. I tap back to Cydia
  5. There are 12 changes marked in red notification bubble at the bottom. tap on it
  6. I tap upgrade to the top right corner
  7. In modifications I see 6 other installations(bzip2. Core Utilities(/bin), Diff Utilities, gzip, LZMA Utils) (screenshot 2)
  8. I press confirm to the top right corner
  9. ends with error: (screenshot 3) DPKG_LOCKED Could not open file - open (2: No suck file or directory) Problem opening
  10. Going back to Cydia
  11. Try to install anything from a source(add) to a tweak(there are some previous repos installed) and I can't proceed: A confirmation window opens and says: Changes cannot be implemented due to required dependencies or conflicts that cannot be automatically found or fixed. In modifications I can see the same as previous (bzip2. Core Utilities(/bin), Diff Utilities, gzip, LZMA Utils) with an extra the name of the tweak I try to install. Attachmentencryptor: Depends firmware >=7.0 Depends Cydia Substrate >=0.9.5001

What do you expect, and what is happening instead? I expect Cydia to be installed properly without any errors and to be able to install tweaks and sources Instead I cannot do anything

Did you see a popup on the device stating it entered "Safe Mode" due to an error? No

Does the issue also occur if you tick "Safe Mode" in the checkra1n options? No. In safe mode everything seems to work fine. First time install Cydia(no reinstall) and I can install some tweaks an sources too.

Any other info, error logs, screenshots, ...? I've only screenshots for the first 3 bugs not the last one. Sorry for that.

screenshot 1: 1

screenshot 2: 2

screenshot 3: 3

How can I delete Cydia so there are no remaining's and install it from scratch clean slate? In normal mode of course I forgot to mention that I see some tweaks installed in phone settings that there is no way to uninstall them because in Cydia, installed tab, is empty...

Thank you in advance!