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respring loop after battery life installation, now jailbreak is not possible anymore. #280

Open denniskns opened 4 years ago

denniskns commented 4 years ago

What device + iOS version are you on? ipX 13.2.2

What checkra1n version are you using? 0.9.1 What are the steps to reproduce the issue?

  1. installed battery life, and activated the option "replace battery life details with orgiginal battery infos"
  2. got into a respring loop
  3. now getting error -20 in checkra1n 0.9.1 ...

What do you expect, and what is happening instead? normal respring, got looped

Any other info, error logs, screenshots, ...? i use 0.9.1 instead of 0.9.2, because 0.9.2 is freezing my touchscreen on boot up, 0.9.1 worked perfect for me, unless i installed battery life and checked the option.

pressing volume up on 0.9.2 to get in non substrate, also freeze touchscreen so cant delete battery life. and pressing volume up on boot on 0.9.1 gets me error -20. so how to delete battery life now?

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

try before rejailbreak run on mac in terminal: sudo killall -STOP usbd

denniskns commented 4 years ago

sudo killall -STOP usbd

should i use 0.9.1 or 0.9.2?

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

try 0.9.2 with +

denniskns commented 4 years ago

try 0.9.2 with +

doesnt work :/

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

touchscreen blocked?

denniskns commented 4 years ago


denniskns commented 4 years ago

and with 0.9.1 still same error, phone doesnt even show the ra1n boot logo and so. it just normaly boots up after clicking start

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

Try this:

  1. Enter DFU (iPhone connected checkra1n closed)
  2. when itunes says "found an iphone in recovery mode" close itunes
  3. go to the terminal and write:

sudo killall -STOP usbd

and after


  1. keep + pressed when you run last command
stemac93 commented 4 years ago

use 0.9.2

denniskns commented 4 years ago

what path do i need to use? because i get this: -bash: ./ No such file or directory

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

sorry use this /Applications/

denniskns commented 4 years ago

and then just click start?

denniskns commented 4 years ago

ok, getting this: - [*] Waiting for DFU devices

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

Yes I read that ran from terminal the touch should work. If doesn't work you can try to remove the tweak from ssh: open 2 terminal windows in the first: iproxy 4444 44 in the second: ssh root@localhost -p 4444

insert password alpine

dpkg -l

search for battery life name like com.something.batterylife

run: dpkg -r com.something.batterylife

reboot and rejailbreak

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

everything with iPhone connected at USB and jailbroken even if touchscreen doesn't work

denniskns commented 4 years ago

ok, is the com.something.batterylife right? or do you just dont know the package name? and where do i find the correct one

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

idk the name, when you run dpkg -l a list of installed packages appear in the terminal search for the name with battery life written in it

denniskns commented 4 years ago

ok, i need to install iproxy first? cuz it says it dont know it

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

ok i start from the base on google how install brew

  1. install brew
  2. run brew update brew install iproxy usbmuxd
  3. follow my previous message
denniskns commented 4 years ago

ok, thanks for your help first. I need to go now, i will try this in the evening, but it sounds like this should work. I first thought about ssh into the phone but it doesnt connect to wifi on start up, didnt know you can do that over lightning. thanks, i will tell later if it worked

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

you're welcome. let me know if this works, remember to rejailbreak after the procedure without + pressed

stemac93 commented 4 years ago

with + pressed i get the same result sometimes : touchscreen doesn't work and use 0.9.2 because 0.9.1 doesn't start in safe mode with + pressed

Code6910 commented 4 years ago

For those who are confussed + means Volume UP in your iOS device

denniskns commented 4 years ago

ok i start from the base on google how install brew

  1. install brew
  2. run brew update brew install iproxy usbmuxd
  3. follow my previous message

so back now, brew cant find iproxy: Error: No available formula with the name "iproxy"

denniskns commented 4 years ago

ok got it now, to install iproxy type in terminal: brew install libimobiledevice the rest of your instruction worked perfectly. but bad news, still same problem as before :/