cheeaun / phanpy

A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
MIT License
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Long Post Viewer #526

Open jeffsikes opened 2 months ago

jeffsikes commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Phanpy does a great job of collapsing longer posts so they don't take up a lot of extra space in your timeline. However, reading those blog posts (as with any other Mastodon app right now) is not ideal. Longer form content is more easily readable in different fonts, different spacing and different line heights.

As long form platforms like Wordpress, Ghost, Drupal, and others being implementing ActivityPub, this situation will be even more apparent.

Describe the solution you'd like I'd like to see an option to utilize a separate set of background color, font selections, size and spacing options in settings for the side view and full view of a post. This would be accesible on any post that shows the "read more.." collapsible button.

In addition, if images, audio or video are also attached to the post, you'll have to determine the best spot to include them as you lose exact placement as a blog post from wordpress becomes a fedi note. Perhaps Item 1 above the post content, then the rest at the bottom? Or a gallery along the top. Or - just leave them at the bottom for now and think about that another day.

Describe alternatives you've considered Right now I open it in side view and manually bump up the font size if I can in my browser (doesn't work if you've installed as a PWA of course). I could also go into settings and bump up the font size for my entire app but that's not what I want - just the side/full view of posts. Then I reduce the size again when I'm ready to go back to the main timeline.

Additional context Just a basic idea - you'll need to Phanpy it up and make it looks nice but the general idea here. 😄
