cheeaun / phanpy

A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
MIT License
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Require pull down to refresh rather than automatically refreshing when you scroll back up to the top #528

Open SteveDinn opened 2 months ago

SteveDinn commented 2 months ago

Describe the bug I'm on the latest version of The "auto refresh timeline posts" checkbox is unchecked. This is being the behavior forever but I would like to have to pull down to refresh the toots rather than automatically refreshing when I reach the top of the loaded timeline.

Sometimes I like to scroll down a bit when I first load the app and then scroll back up as I read and when I reach the top I don't get to fully read the top two before it refreshes and pushes it down. I just think having to pull down to refresh explicitly would be a better experience.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Load the app and scroll down a few tooths so that the top post is off the screen.
  2. Scroll back up so that the top post is at the top but you don't intend to refresh the timeline.
  3. The timeline will refresh anyway. However many toots have loaded in the meantime will have pushed that top tooth down probably off the screen.

Expected behavior I'd like to be able to scroll back up to the top too without having it automatically refresh, but still allow me to manually pull down to refresh.

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