cheeaun / phanpy

A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
MIT License
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Can you add a simple editing function for uploaded pictures? #549

Open zhl111 opened 1 month ago

zhl111 commented 1 month ago

Or just the cutting function.

Fastidious commented 1 month ago

While I believe this goes beyond the author's intent for Phanpy, it would be awesome to have minor editing abilities. We could dream on it, but I wouldn't count on it. LOL.

cheeaun commented 1 month ago

@zhl111 I need some clarifications.

  1. Editing for pictures before or after posting? I suspect should be before?
  2. As for "cutting", do you mean cropping?

@Fastidious this is in my todo list for a long time 😂 but the issue is that it's a huge task (large JS file downloads, uses a lot of memory for loading large images that may crash the browser, and image editing is only one part of work as Mastodon supports video and audio uploads too - do they need editing? 🫠). Nevertheless, the most important functionality is actually image resizing and compression as servers have limitations on them.

zhl111 commented 1 month ago

1,before 2,cropping I am used to using Tusky(app for android ). I often use it to directly shoot books, crop and upload them. I don't need other videos and audios.

graue commented 1 week ago

Hmm, I don't know that it requires large JS file downloads or lots of memory just to crop an image.

For another project I wanted to downscale large images to a maximum of 1536 pixels wide or high so photos would upload faster on bad connections, and I did it with 50 lines of JS. The same technique could be used to crop an image, as far as I can tell.