cheeaun / phanpy

A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
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Emoji shortcode showing on profile and posts page title #554

Open Fastidious opened 4 weeks ago

Fastidious commented 4 weeks ago

Describe the bug The emoji shortcode shows on the profile and posts page title.

To Reproduce Just go to a user with a custom emoji after its name profile, or click/tap on an user with custom emoji after its name post. It will show like so:


Expected behavior I would expect no custom emoji name (nor emoji) to show on title. Perhaps strip it all together from title?

Screenshots See above.

Desktop (please complete the following information):

This should happen on any browser, any platform.

cheeaun commented 4 weeks ago

Mastodon web does this (not sure about other non-Mastodon forks), so expectations might differ? I'm not sure šŸ¤”

I've seen accounts that sets only custom emoji(s) as the name, so probably need to detect this. Or custom emojis in between words šŸ¤”

Fastidious commented 3 weeks ago

I think (I think), it should be safe stripping anything in between : ā€¦ :, but yes, ā€œitā€™s complicatedā€. šŸ˜… GoToSocial simple web interface removes them from title. I can find their commit for that, butā€™s Golang.