cheeaun / phanpy

A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
MIT License
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Mentions aren’t showing #567

Closed Fastidious closed 3 weeks ago

Fastidious commented 3 weeks ago

Describe the bug Using GoToSocial. Taping the “Mentions” menu renders “Unable to load mentions”. They work fine on

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: While connected to an account on GoToSocial:

  1. Tap/click avatar.
  2. Tap “mentions”.
  3. See error.

Expected behavior Mention list should show.



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Fastidious commented 3 weeks ago

I see this on the browser's console, not sure if it is related:


cheeaun commented 3 weeks ago

Mentions actually call the notifications API, filtered to only 'mention' type: api/v1/notifications?limit=20&types[]=mention. I'm not sure if GTS supports this filter?

Fastidious commented 3 weeks ago

Will ask the developers. Thanks!

Fastidious commented 3 weeks ago

GTS doesn’t support it. These are the only ones, for now:

I will open an issue with them requesting adoption on the one you mention. Thanks again, @cheeaun!

Fastidious commented 1 week ago

Just wanted to add that the great people at at SuperSeriousBusiness implemented this on 🥳