cheeaun / phanpy

A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
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Boosts carousel shows only 2 posts #570

Open Tealk opened 2 weeks ago

Tealk commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug Since the last update, I can no longer click on the boost carousel beyond the second post. I use multiple columns. It works with scrolling.

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1) open phanpy 2) go to the boost carousel 3) click on the arrow to the right

Expected behavior all 14 boosts are switched through

Screenshots grafik

Desktop (please complete the following information):

JerryLerman commented 2 weeks ago

I have the same issue on, but only when I use multi-column. I use Firefox, but also duplicated it in Vivaldi.

fresseng commented 2 weeks ago

Same issue on Firefox on Linux on, also only in multicolumn.

Squaredude commented 1 week ago

Confirming this issue on multicolumn layout: version 2024.06.03.0a6030c

Firefox version 126.0.1 (64-bit)

OS pop_OS! 22.04 LTS

cheeaun commented 1 week ago

Unfortunately unable to reproduce this on my side (Firefox 127, macOS). I'll need more info/help:

Screenshots would be useful too (with Cloak mode if there's privacy concern).

Squaredude commented 1 week ago
* Is it only the Following column?

So far, I have this happening in Following and a List column.

* What's the position of the column(s) that has this issue?

The 2nd and the 4th columns, originally. I swapped them around and can confirm the order does not matter (at least for me).

* Are you able to click it if resize the window larger/smaller?

As a matter of fact, yes! I resized the window and the carousel works as expected. Once I maximize the window, the problem returns.



At first, the carousel is untouched.

I click on the arrow to see the next posts...


I can only click twice, even if there's more posts to see.

Furthermore, if I want to return to the first post, I can't. The carousel stops in the second post:



Screen size: 1920 x 1080.

When I wrote that, I realized I gave you a wrong information. It shouldn't be "screen size" but "resolution". The actual screen size is less, not only in height but also in width.

When I swapped my browser's window to the side monitors, where I don't have the dock taking up space (width), the carousel works perfectly. When I bring the browser back to the main monitor and use the window in its maximized state, the carousel breaks.

As it's happening with Linux desktops, I wonder if the others are also using the dock to the side (in my case, the left side) as I am?

And I'm guessing that's why someone on Mac won't see the problem.