cheeaun / phanpy

A minimalistic opinionated Mastodon web client
MIT License
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Contribution counter does not increase #571

Open Tealk opened 2 weeks ago

Tealk commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the bug The thread counter is not incremented.

Expected behavior The counter should start from 1 and count up as many posts as there are.

Screenshots image

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cheeaun commented 2 weeks ago

Hmmm… the rest of the posts are replies to the 1st post, instead of chained replies.

Fastidious commented 2 weeks ago

Hmmm… the rest of the posts are replies to the 1st post, instead of chained replies.

How are threads formed? I thought it was by creating a post, and then replying to it with subsequent posts, over and over, until the last on the "thread". Isn't that the case?

cheeaun commented 2 weeks ago

@Fastidious yes, it's a reply of a reply of a reply (and goes on). Above use-case if what I call "forked" threads; if there are two replies by same author under the author's 1st post, there's no order on which one is 2nd or 3rd.

Possible solution would be sort by posted time, but again, we wouldn't be able to guess the real intentions here — latest might not be the 3rd and it gets worse if there are multiple replies under multiple replies under the post (and goes on) 😩

Fastidious commented 1 week ago

@Tealk in case you haven’t gotten a notification, this is an user error. See reply above.

Tealk commented 1 week ago

yes, i have read it, but i think i can't educate the users for it.