Hi, I've added "PsyDroneMaster" and "DronePsyMaster" to the master whitelist for the Dronemeld config file in an attempt to configure Psy drone's to stack with the Dronemeld mod, but I was unable to get it to work for Psy drones from the ChensGradiusMod. It works properly with all other drones from Chen's mods. Is it under a different code name? Please help, thanks.
Hi, I've added "PsyDroneMaster" and "DronePsyMaster" to the master whitelist for the Dronemeld config file in an attempt to configure Psy drone's to stack with the Dronemeld mod, but I was unable to get it to work for Psy drones from the ChensGradiusMod. It works properly with all other drones from Chen's mods. Is it under a different code name? Please help, thanks.