Open malctaylor15 opened 6 years ago
Use a gradient boosting model with grid search to explore the best possible model.
Sklearn implementation of GBM
Can also use xgboost Hyper parameter tuning in xgboost
Grid Search CV in sklearn
Extra: Create custom grid search to avoid CV aspect of sklearn gridsearchcv
Find the optimal gbm hyperparameters for a model that does not over fit but has optimal R2 performance on full dataset
Defend model choice with results of other hyper parameters
Pickle optimal model for later use
@maltaylor15 Is "R2" r-squared?
@trackoverxc Yeah I meant r-square As an aside, we can choose the metric for model evaluation (RMSE, MAPE, R2, etc)
Use a gradient boosting model with grid search to explore the best possible model.
Sklearn implementation of GBM
Can also use xgboost Hyper parameter tuning in xgboost
Grid Search CV in sklearn
Extra: Create custom grid search to avoid CV aspect of sklearn gridsearchcv
Find the optimal gbm hyperparameters for a model that does not over fit but has optimal R2 performance on full dataset
Defend model choice with results of other hyper parameters
Pickle optimal model for later use