chef-boneyard / knife-container

DEPRECATED: Container support for Chef's Knife Command
Apache License 2.0
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Allow explicit specification of project root #39

Closed jf647 closed 9 years ago

jf647 commented 9 years ago

Right now this plug-in requires that I use the monolithic chef repo model or organize my directories in a particular fashion - one per repo under some directory that I set in knife.rb

Given that a) there is a 1:1 mapping from cookbooks to deployable artifacts in the grand vision and that Chef is committed to supporting the one repo per cookbook model, I think knife-container should too.

To that end, I think the path to the directory to work on should be a CLI arg or default to the current directory, making the interaction much more like Berkshelf. Integrating the current functionality into a CI pipeline is needlessly painful.

tduffield commented 9 years ago

So this option exists today: the -d flag. The -d flag specifies which directory to create your project structure in. It defaults to the value Chef::Config[:knife][:dockerfiles_path] which you can set in your knife.rb.

However, it appears this feature is broken. I will work on fixing it today and get a bugfix release out soon. In the long term I envision the container init stuff will be integrated into the chef generate commands and follow the models that it provides.

Thanks for the feedback!

tduffield commented 9 years ago

Okay, just built and release v0.2.3 of knife-container. This should fix the issue I mentioned above. You should now be able to specify which directory you want to create your repo in by using the -d flag. You should be able to use relative paths (i.e. ./ for the current directory).

jf647 commented 9 years ago

-d doesn't really work though. That's the path to the parent of my project, not to my project itself. -d:

Let's say that I name my container projects in git as container-whatever. I have to override the default name when I git clone. If I forget to, then I either get directory not found when I try to build (if I build with the correct name) or create an incorrectly named container (if I for example use tab completion)

Why can't I just say "this directory is where my project is are - use it"?