chef-boneyard / knife-container

DEPRECATED: Container support for Chef's Knife Command
Apache License 2.0
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When is Chef Container going to GA release, like 1.0? #46

Closed snayakie closed 9 years ago

snayakie commented 9 years ago

I'm having several issues trying to install our product with services. The same chef cookbook works fine on a RHEL VM, but not in an RHEL docker image build using Chef Container. Some steps fail in the container, mostly regarding services stop/start. Sometimes 'knife container docker build' fails, and running it again succeeds. Also, when entered via 'nsenter' , unable to stop/start services. Same stuff works on a VM.

It seems there are fixes needed on making this 'production class/grade' , stable and repeatable. So wondering what is plan to make it go to production-ready, like 1.0 version.

I want to decide whether to go down this chef-container path or not.

tduffield commented 9 years ago

This is still a beta product supported by a single person: me. There is currently no timeline on a 1.0 "production class/grade" release.

Please keep in mind that Chef Container cannot guarantee that cookbooks that work in a VM will work in a container. There are certain things that your cookbook may be trying to do that just wont work in a container.

Also, for your nsenter issue, are you trying to start/stop services using the 'service' command or the 'sv' command? Keep in mind that your services are being managed with runit and not sysv.

snayakie commented 9 years ago

And you've been totally helpful.

Is there any listing of what cookbook features chef container does/doesn't support?

About service, I was using service. Should I use sv?

tduffield commented 9 years ago

Its not a matter of what chef container does and doesn't support - its a matter of what Docker does and doesn't support. And yes - you manage runit services with sv:

tduffield commented 9 years ago

Chef will support just about everything - the challenge you'll face is that Docker will require you to describe or configure something slightly differently and there is no way to predict what those things are at the moment.

snayakie commented 9 years ago
