chef-boneyard / knife-container

DEPRECATED: Container support for Chef's Knife Command
Apache License 2.0
57 stars 11 forks source link

knife-container cannot locate files #61

Open kplimack opened 9 years ago

kplimack commented 9 years ago

can't seem to make knife-container happy, it doesnt know where to find stuff, or is ignoring it?

╭─eulipion@Jake.local ~/repos/chef/cookbooks  ‹docker*›
╰─➤  knife container docker init myOrg/test-docker-cookbook -f 'chef/debian-7:latest' -z -b
Compiling Cookbooks...
Recipe: knife_container::docker_init
  * directory[./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook] action create
    - create new directory ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook
  * template[./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/Dockerfile] action create
    - create new file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/Dockerfile
    - update content in file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/Dockerfile from none to 2d0ed0
    (diff output suppressed by config)
  * template[./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/.dockerignore] action create
    - create new file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/.dockerignore
    - update content in file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/.dockerignore from none to e3b0c4
    (diff output suppressed by config)
  * directory[./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef] action create
    - create new directory ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef
  * template[./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/zero.rb] action create
    - create new file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/zero.rb
    - update content in file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/zero.rb from none to cde131
    (diff output suppressed by config)
  * file[./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/first-boot.json] action create
    - create new file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/first-boot.json
    - update content in file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/first-boot.json from none to 5269ef
    (diff output suppressed by config)
  * template[./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/.node_name] action create
    - create new file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/.node_name
    - update content in file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/.node_name from none to 5f12b3
    (diff output suppressed by config)
  * template[./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/Berksfile] action create
    - create new file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/Berksfile
    - update content in file ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/Berksfile from none to 7cc0b1
    (diff output suppressed by config)
  * log[Could not find a '/Users/eulipion/chef/cookbooks' directory in your chef-repo.] action write

  * execute[cp -r ./roles/ ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/roles/] action run (skipped due to not_if)
  * execute[cp -r ./environments/ ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/environments/] action run (skipped due to not_if)
  * execute[cp -r ./nodes/ ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef/nodes/] action run (skipped due to not_if)
Downloading base image: chef/debian-7:latest. This process may take awhile...
Tagging base image chef/debian-7 as myOrg/test-docker-cookbook

Context Created: ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook
╭─eulipion@Jake.local ~/repos/chef/cookbooks  ‹docker*›
╰─➤  tree dockerfiles
└── myOrg
    └── test-docker-cookbook
        ├── Berksfile
        ├── Dockerfile
        └── chef
            ├── first-boot.json
            └── zero.rb

3 directories, 4 files
╭─eulipion@Jake.local ~/repos/chef/cookbooks  ‹docker*›
╰─➤  knife container docker build myOrg/test-docker-cookbook -d dockerfiles -VV
Resolving cookbook dependencies...
Resolving cookbook dependencies...
time="2015-05-13T14:53:24-06:00" level=fatal msg="Cannot locate Dockerfile: Dockerfile"
╭─eulipion@Jake.local ~/repos/chef/cookbooks  ‹docker*›
╰─➤  cd dockerfiles
╭─eulipion@Jake.local ~/repos/chef/cookbooks/dockerfiles  ‹docker*›
╰─➤  knife container docker build myOrg/test-docker-cookbook -d . -VV
Resolving cookbook dependencies...
Resolving cookbook dependencies...
time="2015-05-13T14:53:44-06:00" level=fatal msg="Cannot locate Dockerfile: Dockerfile"
╭─eulipion@Jake.local ~/repos/chef/cookbooks/dockerfiles  ‹docker*›
╰─➤  knife container docker build myOrg/test-docker-cookbook  -VV
USAGE: knife container docker build REPO/NAME [options]
        --berks-config CONFIG        Use the specified Berkshelf configuration
    -s, --server-url URL             Chef Server URL
        --chef-zero-host HOST        Host to start chef-zero on
        --chef-zero-port PORT        Port to start chef-zero on
        --[no-]cleanup               Cleanup Chef and Docker artifacts
    -k, --key KEY                    API Client Key
        --[no-]color                 Use colored output, defaults to false on Windows, true otherwise
    -c, --config CONFIG              The configuration file to use
        --defaults                   Accept default values for all questions
        --disable-editing            Do not open EDITOR, just accept the data as is
    -d, --dockerfiles-path PATH      Path to the directory where Docker contexts are kept
    -e, --editor EDITOR              Set the editor to use for interactive commands
    -E, --environment ENVIRONMENT    Set the Chef environment (except for in searches, where this will be flagrantly ignored)
        --force                      Force the Docker image build
    -F, --format FORMAT              Which format to use for output
    -z, --local-mode                 Point knife commands at local repository instead of server
    -u, --user USER                  API Client Username
        --print-after                Show the data after a destructive operation
        --[no-]berks                 Run Berkshelf
    -V, --verbose                    More verbose output. Use twice for max verbosity
    -v, --version                    Show chef version
    -y, --yes                        Say yes to all prompts for confirmation
    -h, --help                       Show this message
FATAL: Can not find a Chef configuration file in ./dockerfiles/myOrg/test-docker-cookbook/chef