chef-boneyard / knife-rackspace

Chef knife plug-in for Rackspace
Apache License 2.0
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how to set the databag secret file to upload ? #88

Closed paulczar closed 8 years ago

paulczar commented 10 years ago

Having trouble working out how to get knife rackspace to automatically upload my databag secret file on server creation. here's my knife config:

current_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)

user = ENV["CHEF_USER"]

cookbook_path ["#{current_dir}/cookbooks"]
node_path "#{current_dir}/nodes"
role_path "#{current_dir}/roles"
environment_path "#{current_dir}/environments"
data_bag_path "#{current_dir}/data_bags"
client_key "~/.chef/#{user}.pem"
knife[:berkshelf_path] = "#{current_dir}/cookbooks"

log_level                :info
log_location             STDOUT
node_name                user
validation_client_name   "lolomg-validator"
validation_key           "~/.chef/lolomg-validator.pem"
chef_server_url          ""
cache_type               "BasicFile"
cache_options( :path => "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.chef/checksums" )

encrypted_data_bag_secret '~/.chef/lolomgdbsecret'

knife[:rackspace_api_username] = OS_USERNAME
knife[:rackspace_api_key] = OS_PASSWORD
knife[:rackspace_region] = OS_REGION_NAME.to_sym
knife[:secret_file] = '~/.chef/lolomgdbsecret'
paulczar commented 10 years ago
knife rackspace server create -r 'recipe[lolomg::default]' --server-name \
 test --node-name test --image '255df5fb-e3d4-45a3-9a07-c976debf7c14' \
 --flavor 'performance1-2' --environment 'testing' —network 'lolomg_network'
martinb3 commented 10 years ago

Hi @paulczar,

I'd remove the tilde in the path. I'm not sure that works. You can also try one of these arguments (from knife help bootstrap) which should do the same thing:

       --secret SECRET
              The encryption key that is used for values contained within a data bag item.

       --secret-file FILE
              The path to the file that contains the encryption key.

Hope this helps,


paulczar commented 10 years ago

the only setting that works for me is this depreciated setting in my knife.rb: encrypted_data_bag_secret "#{ENV["HOME"]}/.chef/lol_secret"

using --secret-file doesn't upload the file for me.

vikramgorla commented 9 years ago

--secret-key works for me. P.S: secret file passed using this attribute will be copied to default encrypted_data_bag_secret location on server (/etc/chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret ).