chef-boneyard / minitest-chef-handler

Run minitest suites after your Chef recipes to check the status of your system.
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Please fix your dependency specifier ASAP #56

Closed zenspider closed 11 years ago

zenspider commented 11 years ago

Your unbounded dependency specifier on minitest is going to cause your gem to break in the future. See:

calavera commented 11 years ago

Hi Ryan,

thank for taking your time opening the issue.

Since this is not a current problem, and we only had a minor compatibility problem with the minitest version shipped with ruby 1.9.2, I'm going to take my chances and leave it as it is now. I rather not be defensive and let people use the minitest version they want.

If we find any unsolvable compatibility problems in the future, I will fix the dependency specifier right away.

Thanks again.

zenspider commented 11 years ago

It isn't being defensive, it is being smart. My next release will break your library based on a quick glance at your code. You can use multiple specifiers to let people use any compatible version they want without breaking when I release.

calavera commented 11 years ago

Thanks Ryan,

I just saw this commit

That explains why I need to fix the dependency specifier much better than an old post :smile:

I will fix that tonight.