chef-boneyard / opscode-pushy-server

Chef Push Jobs Server
Apache License 2.0
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Chef Push jobs #210

Closed AnamikaN closed 4 years ago

AnamikaN commented 4 years ago

I am trying to configure chef push jobs. Setup from my side is done. When I am trying knife node status nodename , it is showing unavailable. below are the logs from client node-

Retrieving configuration from https://chef/organizations/chef//pushy/config/node: ... INFO: [node] Stopping command / server heartbeat receive thread and destroying sockets ... INFO: [node] Resolved to '' and 1 others INFO: [node] Starting ZMQ version {:major=>4, :minor=>0, :patch=>5} INFO: [node] Listening for server heartbeat at tcp:// INFO: [node] Connecting to command channel at tcp:// INFO: [node] Stopping heartbeat / offline detection thread ... INFO: [node] Starting command / server heartbeat receive thread ... INFO: [node] Considering server online, and starting to heartbeat INFO: [node] Stopping reconfigure thread ... INFO: [node] Starting heartbeat / offline detection thread on interval 10.0 ... INFO: [node] Reconfigured client. INFO: [node] Starting reconfigure thread. Will reconfigure / reload keys after 3600 seconds, less up to splay 0.1. INFO: [node] Forced GC; Stat count changed 1

What could be the issue?

markan commented 4 years ago

You'll probably get more eyes on this if you ask in the chef community slack channel, but a few quick thoughts 1) Check that the client and server clocks are close; too much (> 5 min) can cause problems 2) No timestamps on the log above; it would be helpful know the timing of the various phases. Is there a lot of time elapsed between the messages

INFO: [node] Starting command / server heartbeat receive thread ...
INFO: [node] Considering server online, and starting to heartbeat
INFO: [node] Stopping reconfigure thread ...
AnamikaN commented 4 years ago

My client node is in PST and server is in AWS, it shows UTC time.

Below are the times-

Client node - Fri Jan 24 12:32:23 PST 2020 server - Fri Jan 24 20:32:45 UTC 2020

Doesn't look like more than 5 mins (BTW i am not sure, why push jobs requires to consider times). Also these logs were very quick, there were no time elapsed.

The one thing, that i noticed is that my client node cannot telnet to server on TCP port 10000, 10002 and 10003. So it might be firewall issue. Any thoughts?

AnamikaN commented 4 years ago

I figured out the issue. Port was not open on DC client node. I created an EC2 instance, and i tried push jobs from EC2 instance to chef server, which is also hosted on AWS. It worked as expected.