chef-cookbooks / iptables

Development repository for Chef Cookbook iptables
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iptables_rule resource uses wrong properties #110

Closed horazont closed 3 years ago

horazont commented 4 years ago

The following code snippet refers to the wrong new_resource:

The code clearly attempts to copy the property values from the iptables_rule resource, but in fact it accesses the properties from the template resource it creates via edit_resource.

This is the cause for the odd behaviour I’m seeing in the logs I posted in #109, although it is not clear to me why nobodoy can reproduce it. I’m going to propose a PR to fix this.

horazont commented 4 years ago

FTR: Even though I discovered this on Chef 12.x, I can’t see why this would not affect other Chef versions or why this wasn’t an issue earlier. It really makes no sense to me. I’m probably being dense, but I can’t see how this code ever worked or why kitchen tests would pass with this (note that the kitchen tests are not executed in the CI!)

bmhughes commented 4 years ago

The behaviour of resource is correct as far as I can see, this is how accumulator pattern template resources works.

Every time the iptables_rule resource is called it adds the rule that the resource defines to the template variables and as the template is defined with action :nothing and delayed_action :create the templated file is created at the end of the run when all rules are present in the template variables. See the haproxy cookbook for another example of creating a file like this.

From the trace that you posted in #109 the error you get:

    Cookbook 'ch-openvpn-cluster' (0.1.0) does not contain a file at any of these locations:

Is because something is altering the source property of the template to the name of the file that is being created rather than the actual erb source file which is iptables.erb. This facility only exists in the case that someone wants to use a custom rule file template which is going to be an edge case as the format is pretty much defined by iptables-save.

template("/etc/iptables/rules.v4") do
      action [:nothing]
      retries 0
      retry_delay 2
      default_guard_interpreter :default
      source "rules.v4.erb" <----- problem
      variables {"iptables"=>{"filter"=>{"chains"=>{"INPUT"=>"ACCEPT [0:0]", "FORWARD"=>"ACCEPT [0:0]", "OUTPUT"=>"ACCEPT [0:0]"}, "rules"=>["-A FORWARD -i brvpn -o brvpn -j ACCEPT -m comment --comment \"/etc/iptables/rules.v4\""]}}}
      declared_type :template
      cookbook_name "ch-openvpn-cluster" <----- problem
      owner nil
      group nil
      mode "0600"
      path "/etc/iptables/rules.v4"
      verifications []

If you copy the iptables.erb from this cookbook to your wrapper then it will work but it still is not correct.

horazont commented 4 years ago

So what I did to trace this down further was to add log lines to the resource:

property :config_file, String, default: lazy { node['iptables']['persisted_rules_iptables'] }

action :create do

  Chef::Resource::Template.send(:include, Iptables::RuleHelpers)
  Chef::Resource::Template.send(:include, Iptables::ChainHelpers)

  with_run_context :root do
    edit_resource(:template, new_resource.config_file) do |new_resource|
      Chef::Log.warn("#{source} #{new_resource.source}  --  #{cookbook} #{new_resource.cookbook}")
      source new_resource.source
      cookbook new_resource.cookbook
      sensitive new_resource.sensitive
      mode new_resource.filemode
[2020-01-15T14:04:16+00:00] WARN: iptables_rule[bridge_forwarding]
[2020-01-15T14:04:16+00:00] WARN: iptables.erb
[2020-01-15T14:04:16+00:00] WARN: iptables
[2020-01-15T14:04:16+00:00] WARN: template[/etc/iptables/rules.v4]
[2020-01-15T14:04:16+00:00] WARN: rules.v4.erb rules.v4.erb  --   

followed by the failure I posted.

So, I get that this pattern is common. I read the haproxy source and they do the same thing over there O_o. So I guess this must be correct, but I don’t understand why. On the other hand, I fully understand why it does not work, and this is what is confusing to me. Here’s what I think happens:

Inside the edit_resource block, new_resource refers to the template resource instance. The log output indicates that the source property of the template resource is defaulted to the name of the template resource (new_resource.config_file = '/etc/iptables/rules.v4' via default attributes) plus the .erb suffix. The cookbook property is undefined and thus defaults to the cookbook which is currently being compiled/run (in my case, ch-openvpn-cluster).

So that is where I understand that the values come from.

I do not understand why the pattern would work with the block as written, but apparently it does, because it’s the same in the haproxy cookbook. On the other hand, I fully understand how it fails. This is very weird. I’m probably overlooking something obvious.

I see two options here:

I’m very confused by this. Maybe it’s because it’s after lunch and in the afternoon, but if there’s any chance you can show me where I’m wrong, that’d be highly appreciated. In the meantime, I’m going to try to set up vagrant et al. (we typically use dokken or openstack drivers) to run the CI tests locally and try to write a reproducer.

(Unfortunately, I can’t simply publish the wrapper cookbook or a stripped down version of it right now.)

If I can get to a point where I understand why this pattern is supposed to work, I can probably figure out why it doesn’t work for us and what we need to do to fix it.

bmhughes commented 4 years ago

Around the use of new_resource for the block variable I agree, I still don't fully understand how that works and for all the digging I've done I can't find anything concrete to explain it.

Things to try:

  1. Do the kitchen tests work if you clone the branch and run them? I've tried with Dokken and Vagrant/VB and I don't get any differing results between them. (with this cookbook at least).
  2. Try this resource:
    # Author:: Ben Hughes <>
    # Cookbook:: iptables
    # Resource:: rule
    # Copyright:: 2020, Ben Hughes
    # Copyright:: 2017-2019, Chef Software, Inc.
    # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    # You may obtain a copy of the License at
    # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    # limitations under the License.

property :source, String, default: 'iptables.erb' property :cookbook, String, default: 'iptables' property :config_file, String, default: lazy { node['iptables']['persisted_rules_iptables'] } property :table, String, equal_to: %w(filter mangle nat raw security), default: 'filter' property :chain, String property :match, String property :target, String property :line, String property :comment, [String, TrueClass, FalseClass], default: true property :extra_options, String property :filemode, [String, Integer], default: '0600'

action :create do Chef::Resource::Template.send(:include, Iptables::RuleHelpers) Chef::Resource::Template.send(:include, Iptables::ChainHelpers)

with_run_context :root do new_rule = new_resource edit_resource(:template, new_resource.config_file) do source new_rule.source cookbook new_rule.cookbook sensitive new_rule.sensitive mode new_rule.filemode

  variables['iptables'] ||= {}
  variables['iptables'][new_rule.table] ||= node['iptables']['persisted_rules_template'][new_rule.table].dup

  variables['iptables'][new_rule.table]['rules'] ||= []
  unless new_rule.line.nil? && new_rule.chain.nil? && new_rule.match.nil? &&
    rule = rule_builder(
      line: new_rule.line,
      chain: new_rule.chain,
      match: new_rule.match,
      extra_options: new_rule.extra_options)

    rule.concat(comment_builder(name:, comment: new_rule.comment)) unless comment_exists?(rule)"Running accumulator template resource for rule '#{rule}' and file #{new_rule.config_file}")
    variables['iptables'][new_rule.table]['rules'] << rule

  action :nothing
  delayed_action :create

end end

That makes more sense to me from the accessing the external `new_resource` via `new_rule` and removing the block var. See if that has a different result.

I'm going to try a few other things as well.
bmhughes commented 4 years ago

Also to add, simply removing the |new_resource| section has a very strange failure mode which I'm still trying to work out.

bmhughes commented 4 years ago

There's some more info here as well: Which would suggest that the resource as per the PR is correct, that was in my browser history so I'm guessing that where I came up with just accepting that it worked and not trying to work out exactly how/why.

Whether those PRs made it into Chef 12 is another question which could explain something but it doesn't explain why with the test kitchen I can get it passing with 12.21.5 without issue.


That sort of explains the logic of how the block and new_resource are used, I'm not going to pretend I'm clever enough to understand exactly how that works completely but I can follow the logic of the declared external resource being passed in block &resource_attrs_block and working on the edited resource object.

Doesn't explicitly help the issue you're facing though mind. If the kitchen tests in this cookbook work then it's got to be something the wrapper is influencing to cause the error.

horazont commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your attention. It is really appreciated.

1. Do the kitchen tests work if you clone the branch and run them? I've tried with Dokken and Vagrant/VB and I don't get any differing results between them. (with this cookbook at least).

The kitchen.dokken.yml does not define any suites, only platforms and ends in a .... Can it even be used? If so, how?

Vagrant+VirtualBox should be working on my work laptop tomorrow, I’ll try the main kitchen.yml then.

Then I can also do the other tests.

bmhughes commented 4 years ago

The dokken configuration suppliments the kitchen.yml so it gets the suites from there, kitchen.dokken.yml only overwrites the platforms.

export KITCHEN_YAML=kitchen.yml
export KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=kitchen.dokken.yml

Also to note that i've noticed that #108 is pending so I probably won't do any more work on this as the rewrite is occurring. Doesn't help the Chef 12 issue though.

xorima commented 4 years ago

I have this for my dokken runes to make life easier

alias dokken="KITCHEN_LOCAL_YAML=kitchen.dokken.yml kitchen"

Yep, 108 is coming but has a minimum of Chef 14, mainly because it is the oldest supported version of Chef and I wanted to use some newer features for the cookbook like the description: field for self documenting

horazont commented 4 years ago

@Xorima Thanks! With that, I was able to run the dokken tests.

I have a reproducer for Chef 12, but it doesn’t fail for Chef 14. If the rewrite in #108 is going to break Chef 12 either way (which is totally fair), you can go ahead and close this and we’ll simply pin iptables to something lower until we finished our migration to Chef 14.

I also found the key difference: In Chef 14, new_resource inside the block refers to the iptables_rule[…] resource, and not to the newly created template resource. Which at least explains what’s wrong here.

Note that the kitchen tests in the cookbook do not fail for Chef 12; I had to add a specific reproducer (see #111 if you like). They simply do not explicitly test the forwarding of attributes to the nested template resource. It may be worth to add the reproducer to the test suite nevertheless.

xorima commented 3 years ago

Hey @horazont

Unfortunately I cannot see large value in continuing to support a version of chef which is 4 majors behind the latest and out of support by chef.

My advice would be to find a version of this cookbook which supports both 12 and later, upgrade nodes to the latest version then upgrade this cookbook to latest.

