chef-cookbooks / ssh_known_hosts

Development repository for Chef Cookbook ssh_known_hosts
Apache License 2.0
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[COOK-3640] ssh_known_hosts broken for Data Bags and Search Hosts #10

Closed zsiddique closed 11 years ago

zsiddique commented 11 years ago


jesseadams commented 11 years ago

@zsiddique - Please make sure to mark that ticket as "Fix Provided." If you just signed the CLA, you will need to wait for the email confirmation from Opscode legal before this button appears on the ticket. Thanks!

zsiddique commented 11 years ago

@jesseadams forgot about the "Fix Provided", went ahead and toggled it.

sethvargo commented 11 years ago

@zsiddique the host_array changes seem unrelated to this ticket

zsiddique commented 11 years ago

@sethvargo host_array is because in the previous version of this cookbook if search return fqdn, ip and hostname it would take them all and add them to your ssh_known_hosts as the following fqdn,ip,hostname ssh-dsa|rsa key

btm commented 11 years ago

It appears from the ticket that this design was intentional. I'm going to close this pull request, but you're welcome to continue discussion on the ticket and reopen if necessary.