chef-training / chef_classroom

Chef-provisioning cookbook for managing a Chef Training Classroom
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Address Deprecation Warnings #49

Open burtlo opened 9 years ago

burtlo commented 9 years ago

With the latest ChefDK 0.9.0 and chef-provisioning-aws (1.5.1)

chef-provisioning-aws (1.5.1) was an update that addressed an issue with the ARN string.

$ chef-client -z -r 'recipe[chef_classroom::deploy_portal]'

This is after the converge completes:

Deprecated features used!
  Cannot specify both default and name_property together on property path of resource yum_globalconfig. Only one (name_property) will be obeyed. In Chef 13, this will become an error. at 1 location:
    - /Users/franklinwebber/training/provisioners/chef_classroom/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/yum/resources/globalconfig.rb:77:in `class_from_file'
  public_key_path nil currently does not overwrite the value of public_key_path. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :public_key_path, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /Users/franklinwebber/.chefdk/gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/chef-provisioning-aws-1.5.1/lib/chef/provider/aws_key_pair.rb:105:in `block (2 levels) in ensure_keys'
  type nil currently does not overwrite the value of type. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :type, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cheffish-1.5.0/lib/chef/provider/private_key.rb:207:in `load_current_resource'
  size nil currently does not overwrite the value of size. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :size, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cheffish-1.5.0/lib/chef/provider/private_key.rb:208:in `load_current_resource'
  exponent nil currently does not overwrite the value of exponent. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :exponent, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cheffish-1.5.0/lib/chef/provider/private_key.rb:209:in `load_current_resource'
  pass_phrase nil currently does not overwrite the value of pass_phrase. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :pass_phrase, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cheffish-1.5.0/lib/chef/provider/private_key.rb:210:in `load_current_resource'
  cipher nil currently does not overwrite the value of cipher. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :cipher, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cheffish-1.5.0/lib/chef/provider/private_key.rb:211:in `load_current_resource'
  chef_environment nil currently does not overwrite the value of chef_environment. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :chef_environment, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/cheffish-1.5.0/lib/chef/resource/chef_node.rb:15:in `initialize'
  output_key_path nil currently does not overwrite the value of output_key_path. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :output_key_path, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/chef-provisioning-1.4.1/lib/chef/provisioning/convergence_strategy/precreate_chef_objects.rb:148:in `block (2 levels) in create_chef_objects'
  output_key_format nil currently does not overwrite the value of output_key_format. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :output_key_format, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/chef-provisioning-1.4.1/lib/chef/provisioning/convergence_strategy/precreate_chef_objects.rb:149:in `block (2 levels) in create_chef_objects'
  admin nil currently does not overwrite the value of admin. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :admin, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/chef-provisioning-1.4.1/lib/chef/provisioning/convergence_strategy/precreate_chef_objects.rb:150:in `block (2 levels) in create_chef_objects'
  validator nil currently does not overwrite the value of validator. This will change in Chef 13, and the value will be set to nil instead. Please change your code to explicitly accept nil using "property :validator, [MyType, nil]", or stop setting this value to nil. at 1 location:
    - /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/chef-provisioning-1.4.1/lib/chef/provisioning/convergence_strategy/precreate_chef_objects.rb:151:in `block (2 levels) in create_chef_objects'