chef / appbundler

Generate locked binstubs for ruby applications
Apache License 2.0
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Revert "Don't appbundle from within bundle exec" #42

Closed lamont-granquist closed 6 years ago

lamont-granquist commented 6 years ago

So the problems with this are very annoying:

  1. Things like travis will set BUNDLE_GEMFILE but the user may not bundle install or bundle exec so we can't rely on that as a test to see if we're in bundler.

  2. We rely on eval "$(/opt/chefdk/bin/chef shell-init bash)" to clean up the rvm environment in travis.

The workflow that we would have to support is:

Note that what people do is call embedded directly, that's not a typo there, so it bypasses the binstubs and just uses chefdk as a normal ruby.