chef / automate

Chef Automate provides a full suite of enterprise capabilities for maintaining continuous visibility into application, infrastructure, and security automation.
Apache License 2.0
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client runs: export all node reports for a single node #1764

Closed vjeffrey closed 4 years ago

vjeffrey commented 5 years ago

User Story

As an Automate user, I would like to retrieve all the client run reports (within a given timeframe) for a single node.

Definition of Done

API call for retrieving (downloading) all client run reports for a single node, given a timeframe (start and end time). Should support CSV and JSON download.

vjeffrey commented 4 years ago

yay! curl --insecure -H "api-token: token-val" -d '{"output_type":"json","node_id":"68656f04-c3d6-4fd7-ab9d-cf46b55587ae"}'