chef / bento

Packer templates for building minimal Vagrant baseboxes for multiple platforms
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rockylinux-9.3-arm64 hangs on `Waiting for HGFS to become available...` #1549

Closed patrickbooth closed 4 months ago

patrickbooth commented 4 months ago

Describe the problem

When trying to launch a vagrant box with rockylinux-9.3-arm64 image, provisioning hangs on Waiting for HGFS to become available.... Disabling the synced folder resolves this problem, however, for my application I need that functionality available.

Software Version



Replication Case

Use the following Vagrantfile

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "bento/rockylinux-9.3-arm64"
    config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/fs", disabled: false
    config.vm.provider "vmware_desktop" do |v|
       v.gui = true
Stromweld commented 4 months ago

Can you also try the default bento/rocklinux-9.3 which now has arm alongside x86 boxes.

patrickbooth commented 4 months ago

@Stromweld , same issue with that box.

Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "bento/rockylinux-9.3"
   config.vm.box_version = "202401.31.0"
   config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/fs", disabled: false
   config.vm.provider "vmware_desktop" do |v|
      v.gui = true
==> default: Successfully added box 'bento/rockylinux-9.3' (v202401.31.0) for 'vmware_desktop (arm64)'!
==> default: Cloning VMware VM: 'bento/rockylinux-9.3'. This can take some time...
==> default: Checking if box 'bento/rockylinux-9.3' version '202401.31.0' is up to date...
==> default: Verifying vmnet devices are healthy...
==> default: Preparing network adapters...
==> default: Fixed port collision for 22 => 2222. Now on port 2205.
==> default: Starting the VMware VM...
==> default: Waiting for the VM to receive an address...
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: -- 22 => 2205
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
    default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
    default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
    default: Inserting generated public key within guest...
    default: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present...
    default: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Configuring network adapters within the VM...
==> default: Waiting for HGFS to become available...
HGFS was never found on the running virtual machine. This must be
installed either through VMware tools or Open VM Tools. HGFS is
required for shared folders to work properly. Please install either
the VMware tools or Open VM Tools and try again.
Stromweld commented 4 months ago

This should be fixed now. I replaced the current version machine. If you can delete your vagrant box and download latest version again and give that a try.

patrickbooth commented 4 months ago

Yup, that's working great now. Thank you!