chef / chef-workstation

Chef Workstation gives you everything you need to get started with Chef, so you can automate how you audit, configure, and manage applications end environments.
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chef-client runs slow from a Chef DK PowerShell prompt #566

Open tpetchel opened 7 years ago

tpetchel commented 7 years ago


I'm relaying a report from a user who's getting started with Chef on an Azure instance. The user is going through Learn the basics, where you run chef-client --local-mode to get a feel for how Chef works. I understand this is not how you typically run Chef in practice.

This issue isn't directly related to Azure; it's simply where we discovered it. (running on a Standard DS1 v2 instance)

Given this basic recipe (call it web.rb)

powershell_script 'Install IIS' do
  code 'Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server'
  guard_interpreter :powershell_script
  not_if "(Get-WindowsFeature -Name Web-Server).Installed"

service 'w3svc' do
  action [:enable, :start]

ChefDK Version

$ chef --version
Chef Development Kit Version: 2.0.28
chef-client version: 13.2.20
delivery version: master (17c1b0fed9be4c70f69091a6d21a4cbf0df60a23)
berks version: 6.2.0
kitchen version: 1.16.0
inspec version: 1.31.1

Platform Version

Windows Server 2012 R2 Datacenter

Replication Case

  1. Bring up 2 Windows Server instances. The issue was seen on Azure Standard DS1 v2 instances.
  2. On the first instance:
    1. Install Chef DK
    2. Add the recipe above to web.rb
    3. From a Chef DK PowerShell prompt, run chef-client --local-mode two times
    4. Note the time it takes to complete. We've seen 40 minutes for the first run; 5 minutes for the second.
  3. From the second instance:
    1. Repeat the steps from (2) but from a standard PowerShell prompt. We've seen 1 minute for the first run; < 10 seconds for the second.
tyler-ball commented 5 years ago

Thanks for forwarding this report @tpetchel - getting this moved to the correct repo and triaged.

Chef (and Ruby) on Windows is slow and it really sucks. But thank you for the repro that shows there is a distinct slowness using the customer powershell prompt versus a regular powershell prompt. That is something we can go investigate.