chef / cookstyle

A linting tool that helps you to write better Chef Infra cookbooks and InSpec profiles by detecting and automatically correcting style, syntax, and logic mistakes in your code.
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Detect single line do/end style blocks #931

Open tas50 opened 2 years ago

tas50 commented 2 years ago
execute 'execute-scheduled-karaf-restart' do
  command 'rm -f /tmp/karaf-restart'
  action :run

  notifies :stop, 'service[karaf-deploy-stop]', :immediately
  # notifies cache folders deletion
  $karaf_cache.each do |cache_folder|
    notifies :delete, "directory[#{cache_folder}]", :immediately
  notifies :start, 'service[karaf]', :immediately

  only_if do

The only_if here should just be a single line

dafyddcrosby commented 5 months ago

Looks like this is handled in RuboCop, and I could see this conflicting with a rubocop config if it was done separately from within Cookstyle. The Chefstyle config has Style/BlockDelimiters disabled, and while I don't have a strong opinion on the Chefstyle config (since it's only Chef-internal code), it'd be downstream code churn if it was enabled in Cookstyle. Unless there's a use-case I'm missing, this should probably be closed