chef / cookstyle

A linting tool that helps you to write better Chef Infra cookbooks and InSpec profiles by detecting and automatically correcting style, syntax, and logic mistakes in your code.
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Chef/Modernize/CronDFileOrTemplate fails to match when the path property is used to provide the file path #943

Closed yacn closed 2 years ago

yacn commented 2 years ago





cookstyle should flag when a file, cookbook_file, or template is used to manage a file in '/etc/cron.d when the file path is provided to the resource via the path property.

Steps to Reproduce:

file 'delete old cron job' do
  path '/etc/cron.d/backup'
  action :delete

Expected Result:

cookstyle should flag the above resource to be replaced with cron_d.

❯ ../bundlebin/cookstyle --only Chef/Modernize/CronDFileOrTemplate
Inspecting 2 files


recipes/tst.rb:1:1: R: Chef/Modernize/CronDFileOrTemplate: Use the cron_d resource that ships with Chef Infra Client 14.4+ instead of manually creating the file with template, file, or cookbook_file resources (
file 'delete old job' do ...

Actual Result:

No linting offenses raised

❯ cinc exec cookstyle .
Inspecting 2 files

2 files inspected, no offenses detected