chef / cookstyle

A linting tool that helps you to write better Chef Infra cookbooks and InSpec profiles by detecting and automatically correcting style, syntax, and logic mistakes in your code.
Apache License 2.0
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Add optional Guard development workflow #975

Open dafyddcrosby opened 1 month ago

dafyddcrosby commented 1 month ago

I've found test-driven Cop development lends itself well to rapid feedback, and while I've hacked together nasty scripts up to now, a Guardfile that's set up for Cookstyle development would be mighty slick.


As a Cookstyle developer working on a git checkout I want to have Guard watch my changes So that I can write high-quality Cops faster


Gemfile: optional gem group to install guard and guard-rake gems

Guardfile: watch for changes in /lib, kick off rspec (and maybe rubocop) runs as needed

Downstream Impact

Gem install is optional, so would not be an addition to chef-workstation. The guard gem is already packaged with chef-workstation, but guard-rake isn't, so that would have to be added to the omnibus/hab build stuff, and I don't want to create more work for @tpowell-progress :smile: