chef / knife-windows

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Unable to bootstrap with windows-winrm over ssl #315

Closed echandradhas closed 9 years ago

echandradhas commented 9 years ago

I am trying to bootstrap a windows node with WinRM over ssl and it gives me a bare error. Any clues. I did the following steps before bootstrapping to configure ssl and that seem to work. Is this a known issue?

knife windows cert generate --cert-passphrase "test" --hostname "servername.domainname.local" --output-file "server_cert.pfx" Generated Certificates:

c:\Chef\devops>knife windows cert install "server_cert.pfx" --cert-passphrase "test" Adding certificate to the Windows Certificate Store... Certificate added to Certificate Store

c:\Chef\devops>knife windows listener create --cert-passphrase "test" --hostname "servername.domainname.local" --cert-thumbprint "d05CdasdadadadadaCFC6" WinRM listener created with Port: 5986 and CertificateThumbprint: d05CdasdadadadadaCFC6

knife bootstrap windows winrm -t ssl servername.domainname.local -x "admin" -P "adminpass" -f "server_cert.pfx" It gives me the following error ERROR: OpenSSL::X509::StoreError:

mwrock commented 9 years ago

That is a terrible error message which should be fixed. I think the problem is that you need to use the .pem file and not the .pfx file in your bootstrap command.

echandradhas commented 9 years ago

My issue is fixed and I am leaving some closing notes for other Chef users. 1) I had to use .pem file in the bootstrap command instead of a .pfx. You can skip the proxy server option if it is not relevant. knife bootstrap windows winrm -t ssl admin-PC.local -x "admin" -P "adminpass" -f admin-PC.pem --bootstrap-version 12.3.0 bootstrap-proxy --winrm-ssl-verify-mode 'verify_peer' 2) Imported the pfx that gets generated from knife windows cert generate command into the certificate store on the node to be bootstrapped. 3) Create a listener manually on the node to be bootstrapped using the command. winrm create winrm/config/Listener?Address=*+Transport=HTTPS "@{Hostname="admin-PC.local";CertificateThumbprint="<THUMBPRINT>"}"

Thanks mwrock for the help!

mwrock commented 9 years ago

I'm reopening just to make sure we get a better error message when passing in a .pfx and to cleanup the readme around the ssl setup.

mwrock commented 9 years ago

see #316 to address some of the ambiguity around where commands should be run and which file to use with the bootstrap command. I have also added an issue ( to the WinRM gem about better error messages when the wrong certificate format is used.

I think this addresses most of the issues @echandradhas had bootstrapping her node not to mention possibly many others who have not filed issues.

Working with @echandradhas offline to resolve her issue, we hit a couple other snags such as errors when the NIC connection type of the node is set to public. I don't think that topic is specifically related to this gem but it would be great to have a chef walk through tutorial on SSL setup that we could reference here. (cc @tpetchel )

Also note: I wrote a blog post covering alot of the typical hangups related to winrm/ssl setup but its not incredibly chef specific. I also need to add the connection type nuances.

mwrock commented 9 years ago

One final note here, I just blogged about changing internet connection to get around errors when trying to enable WinRM here and updated my winrm troubleshooting post to reference it.