chef / vscode-chef

Chef Infra Extension for Visual Studio Code
Apache License 2.0
39 stars 19 forks source link

Depends on deprecated extensions #242

Closed floh96 closed 4 days ago

floh96 commented 11 months ago

Describe the problem

The extension depends on the following deprecated extensions Ruby and VSCode-Ruby These extensions are deprecated and will not be updated anymore VSCode prompts to uninstall them.

Software Version

Extension Version 2.1.0

Possible Solution

Migrate to wich is recommended by vscode

floh96 commented 11 months ago

fyi @vkarve-chef @johnmccrae

bkonick commented 7 months ago

Can the release from #245 be made available in VS Code?

donwlewis commented 7 months ago

I would also like to see this made available in VS Code marketplace. Thanks!

jsloan117 commented 7 months ago

me as well, since we've had to uninstall the extension since it no longer works.

SeanSith commented 6 months ago

Sorry to bring you all back into this conversation @vkarve-chef @johnmccrae , but I was hoping to get some eyes on this.

bkonick commented 5 months ago

Can the release from #245 be made available in VS Code?

Still waiting for this. My team would greatly appreciate if releasing it in VS Code can be prioritized.

JHBoricua commented 4 months ago

Can the release from #245 be made available in VS Code?

Still waiting for this. My team would greatly appreciate if releasing it in VS Code can be prioritized.

I know this isn't the answer you're looking for but just clone the repo and build it yourself, then distribute the extension to your team. That's what I ended up doing for my team after getting tired of waiting for a newer version of the plugin to be published in the vscode marketplace.

It's not that difficult. It actually took longer to download/install some of the required tools than to actually build the extension.

bkonick commented 3 months ago

Can the release from #245 be made available in VS Code?

Still waiting for this. My team would greatly appreciate if releasing it in VS Code can be prioritized.

I know this isn't the answer you're looking for but just clone the repo and build it yourself, then distribute the extension to your team. That's what I ended up doing for my team after getting tired of waiting for a newer version of the plugin to be published in the vscode marketplace.

It's not that difficult. It actually took longer to download/install some of the required tools than to actually build the extension.

I ended up doing the same a while ago. Annoying, but yes it works and was fairly simple.

HP41 commented 3 weeks ago

Any update on publishing the latest version to VSCode Extension repository?

Is there an account/token issue perhaps?

SeanSith commented 1 week ago

Seems that 2.2.12 was released this morning. Thanks to whomever made the release!!! ❤️

HP41 commented 1 week ago

Thank you!

Unsure if this should be a separate issue or more of a discussion.

With the deprecated Ruby extensions, linting, syntax highlighint, formatting, autocomplete were pretty automatic (albeit not complete or a bit odd as it was not a full blown LSP)

With ruby-lsp while being a full blown LSP with a good featureset, it is more suited for Ruby/Rails dev.

To get a more integrated dev environment for Chef cookbooks similar to the dperecated extensions and even more I've found some ways to hack around it to work with chef-workstation by:


"rubyLsp.rubyVersionManager": {
  "identifier": "custom"

// Ensures it uses chef ruby env/workstation.
"rubyLsp.customRubyCommand": "eval \"$(/usr/bin/chef shell-init sh)\"",
// The gems must still be specified explicitly for ruby-lsp to parse the code for intellisense(ish), class/fn documentation, cookstyle requires, etc
// NOTE: The above does not include any chef dsl code. Just for pure ruby code/gems/modules.
"rubyLsp.bundleGemfile": ".vscode/Gemfile",
"rubyLsp.erbSupport": true, // default

// cookstyle does not seem to work here regardless if cookstyle is specified in your Gemfile.
// Therefore it must be rubocop with cookstyle
"rubyLsp.linters": ["rubocop"], // Should auto detect anyways


# Including all gems installed by chef-workstation slows down Ruby LSP\
# Ruby LSP indexing time also increases a lot when all are included
# Therefore only requiring gems that we care about.

# gem 'json', require: false
# require 'json'

# JSON.load_file('/opt/chef-workstation/gem-version-manifest.json').keys.each do |gm|
#   gem gm
# end

gem 'chef', require: false
gem 'chef-vault', require: false
gem 'chefspec', require: false

# cookstyle must be specified here else ruby-lsp rubocop will not run with cookstyle (as you type)
gem 'cookstyle', require: false
gem 'erb', require: false
gem 'erubi', require: false
gem 'erubis', require: false
gem 'fileutils', require: false
gem 'inifile', require: false
gem 'iniparse', require: false
gem 'ipaddr', require: false
gem 'ipaddress', require: false
gem 'json', require: false
gem 'os', require: false
gem 'resolv', require: false
gem 'yaml', require: false

# ruby-lsp must be specified in gemfile if a custom gemfile (this) is specified.
gem 'ruby-lsp', require: false

require 'chef'

# For any gems specified in cookbook metadata
m =
m.from_file File.join(File.expand_path('..', __dir__), 'metadata.rb')
m.gems.each do |name, version|
  puts name
  gem name, version, require: false


// When custom Gemfile is present, ruby-lsp will not manage installation or update of gem. 
// In this case it only installs ruby-lsp on project first open (when it needs to create a Gemfile.lock)
// Thereafter it does not update it.
// It takes a long time to run update the gem for us on every project open hence only running once.
// Gemfile.lock is updated every run (and runs fast as it references locally installed gems only) in case chef-workstation has been updated since last project open
// Gemfile.lock is also needed for ruby-lsp to work
  "version": "2.0.0",
  "tasks": [
      "label": "Update Gemfile with chef-workstation gemfiles",
      "type": "shell",
      "command": "cd .vscode; [ ! -f Gemfile.lock ] && /usr/bin/chef gem install ruby-lsp; /usr/bin/chef exec bundle lock --local",
      "group": "none",
      "presentation": {
        "reveal": "always",
        "panel": "new"
      "runOptions": {
        "runOn": "folderOpen"


# needed for pure rubocop runs to work with cookstyle
  - cookstyle

# ... rest of the config

These all seem quite hacky and a workaround for a extension that is targeted towards classical ruby dev.

Another issue faced, which might be a ruby-lsp issue is that it does not have a good handle on its own ruby-lsp processes and sometimes spawns multiple and leaves them running.

There seems to be no way to run a static ruby-lsp server on a port or socket that any chef project can plug into. As all chef cookbooks one works on uses the same environment, i.e one's own chef-workstation.

There might be ways to do some hack around with multi-root workspaces:

One clean way to do this (if it is even possible) is to write a custom ruby-lsp plugin that works with chef dsl and knows to work with the chef-workstation embedded ruby environment and not in a classical ruby dev env.