chegewara / EspTinyUSB

ESP32S2 native USB library. Implemented few common classes, like MIDI, CDC, HID or DFU (update).
MIT License
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host msc example crashes on the esp32s2 #101

Closed RensMvP closed 2 years ago

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

I have my esp32s2 running the host/msc example from the espTinyUSB 2.0.3 but it just keeps crashing on the host init:

When i decode the backtrace from the arduino ide it says:

Decoding stack results

0x4009173c: usb_host_install at /home/runner/work/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/usb/usb_host.c line 440
0x40082421: USBhost::init(bool) at C:\Users\Rens-U\Documents\Arduino\libraries\EspTinyUSB-master\src\host\common\usb_host.cpp line 62
0x40081f2f: setup() at C:\Users\Rens-U\Documents\Arduino\msc/msc.ino line 275
0x4008416e: loopTask(void*) at C:\Users\Rens-U\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.3\cores\esp32\main.cpp line 42

@chegewara any idea why "esp_err_t err = usb_host_install(&config); " from the usb_host.cpp library keeps failing the install?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

At the time ive been working on usb host espressif still worked on the component. Looks like something changed in esp-idf. Maybe try to test with arduino-esp32 v2.0.2? Im not saying it will work, or you should switch to that version, but worth to test.

I am currently not working or updating this library, as it is not popular, especially host part, and i am busy with full time job.

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

I think that they might have changed something since then. I first tried with the arduino-esp version of esptinyusb (max version v2.0.0 possible) and the adafruit tinyusb library, but both failed to even compile the arduino IDE v1.8.18 and above.

Only after i downloaded the master branch (v2.0.1) and added the zip library i got the code to compile, but sadly that crashed while running.

Where can i get the V2.0.2 arduino-esp version of the tinyusb library from? Or is there a workaround to init the host and read from a usb drive?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

I mean in arduino-esp32 v2.0.2, which you can install with boards manager or git control.

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

Oh sorry my bad, i installed the version in boards manager and stil crashes but i am not able to decode it this time.

I did get some warning while compiling, but not sure if they can cause the esp32s2 to crash.

I am using arduino esp32 v2.0.2 and the tinyusb-master zip downloaded from the github page.

C:\Users\..\Arduino\msc\msc.ino: In function 'void inquiry_cb(usb_transfer_t*)':
C:\Users\..\Arduino\msc\msc.ino:59:33: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
     device->mount(MOUNT_POINT, 0);
C:\Users\..\Arduino\msc\msc.ino:60:34: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
     device->mount(MOUNT_POINT1, 1);
C:\Users\..\Arduino\msc\msc.ino: In function 'void read_test(int)':
C:\Users\..\Arduino\msc\msc.ino:46:21: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
 #define MOUNT_POINT "/msc"
C:\Users\..\Arduino\msc\msc.ino:136:13: note: in expansion of macro 'MOUNT_POINT'
     mount = MOUNT_POINT;
C:\Users\..\Arduino\msc\msc.ino:46:21: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
 #define MOUNT_POINT "/msc"
C:\Users\Rens\OneDrive\Documenten\Arduino\msc\msc.ino:140:13: note: in expansion of macro 'MOUNT_POINT'
     mount = MOUNT_POINT;
C:\Users\..\Arduino\msc\msc.ino:167:19: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
   char* dirpath = "/msc/";
In file included from C:\Users\..\Arduino\libraries\EspTinyUSB-master\src\device\msc\flashdisk.cpp:1:
C:\Users\..\Arduino\libraries\EspTinyUSB-master\src/flashdisk.h:15:28: warning: ISO C++ forbids converting a string constant to 'char*' [-Wwrite-strings]
     bool init(char* path = "/fatfs",char* label = NULL);
chegewara commented 2 years ago

It does not look like error, its just a bunch of warnings. Also i tested today with arduino-esp32 v2.0.3 and it builds without problems host msc example.

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

The tinyusb-master branch indeed builds without an issue for with the arduino-esp32 v2.0.3 and v2.0.2. Only when you try running it and opening the serial console in the arduino ide you can see the esp32s2 rebooting the whole time.

I enables the firmware msc and dfu on boot flags.

ELF file SHA256: 0000000000000000

Build:Oct 25 2019
rst:0x3 (RTC_SW_SYS_RST),boot:0xb (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
Saved PC:0x4002640d
mode:DIO, clock div:1
entry 0x4004c18c
[   560][D][esp32-hal-tinyusb.c:580] tinyusb_enable_interface(): Interface MSC enabled
[   680][D][FirmwareMSC.cpp:94] msc_update_get_required_disk_sectors(): APP size: 358128 (700 sectors)
[   680][D][FirmwareMSC.cpp:100] msc_update_get_required_disk_sectors(): OTA size: 1310720 (2560 sectors)
[   687][D][FirmwareMSC.cpp:113] msc_update_get_required_disk_sectors(): USING FAT12
[   695][D][FirmwareMSC.cpp:116] msc_update_get_required_disk_sectors(): FAT sector size: 512
[   703][D][FirmwareMSC.cpp:117] msc_update_get_required_disk_sectors(): FAT data sectors: 3276
[   711][D][FirmwareMSC.cpp:118] msc_update_get_required_disk_sectors(): FAT table sectors: 10
[   720][D][FirmwareMSC.cpp:119] msc_update_get_required_disk_sectors(): FAT total sectors: 3288 (1644KB)
[   729][D][esp32-hal-tinyusb.c:580] tinyusb_enable_interface(): Interface DFU enabled
[   737][D][esp32-hal-tinyusb.c:441] tinyusb_load_enabled_interfaces(): Load Done: iStarting up
Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (LoadProhibited). Exception was unhandled.

Core  0 register dump:
PC      : 0x400954b8  PS      : 0x00060a30  A0      : 0x80082ebf  A1      : 0x3ffce440  
A2      : 0x3ffc3fcc  A3      : 0x3ffc2f68  A4      : 0x3ffc7544  A5      : 0x00000000  
A6      : 0x00000000  A7      : 0x3ffc755c  A8      : 0x80095473  A9      : 0x3ffce420  
A10     : 0x3ffc75fc  A11     : 0x00000000  A12     : 0x00000005  A13     : 0x00000044  
A14     : 0x3ffc7680  A15     : 0x3ffc3fd0  SAR     : 0x0000001c  EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001c  
EXCVADDR: 0x00000018  LBEG    : 0x00000005  LEND    : 0x00000044  LCOUNT  : 0x4002758d  

Backtrace:0x400954b5:0x3ffce4400x40082ebc:0x3ffce460 0x400826b5:0x3ffce4b0 0x40085d06:0x3ffce4f0 
Decoding stack results
0x400954b5: _buffer_fill at /home/runner/work/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp32-arduino-lib-builder/esp-idf/components/usb/hcd.c line 2126
0x40082ebc: USBmscDevice::registerCallbacks(msc_transfer_cb_t) at C:\Users\..\Arduino\libraries\EspTinyUSB-master\src\host\msc\usb_msc.cpp line 309
0x400826b5: tud_suspend_cb(bool) at C:\Users\..\Arduino\libraries\EspTinyUSB-master\src\esptinyusb.cpp line 312
0x40085d06: FirmwareMSC::begin() at C:\Users\..\AppData\Local\Arduino15\packages\esp32\hardware\esp32\2.0.3\cores\esp32\FirmwareMSC.cpp line 94

No usb device is connected to pins 19 and 20 on the board at this moment.

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Did you disable all USB settings in Tools menu? All are for espressif tinyUSB device and are not compatible with this library.

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

No i enabled them in the tools menu.

This is the configuration of my tools menu image

Is it better to set them in the program itself or does the tools menu also work?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Again, they are for tinyUSB device and will collide with USB host and USB device from this library. All should be disabled.

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

Ah oke, didn't knew that. Thank you for that! I disabled them all and now the code does not crash anymore.

But the example does not work for me yet. i inserted the usb drive after startup with a readme.txt file on it is just does nothing, not sure if i am doing something wrong or something else. My serial console is behaving a little weird atm and does not show any commands from the setup function.

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

Could the warnings cause the program to not read the usb drive ?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

There may be some bugs, but code works more or less:

14:15:34.708 -> [  4663][I][msc.ino:86] client_event_callback(): device speed: USB_SPEED_FULL, device address: 1, max ep_ctrl size: 64, config: 1
14:15:34.741 -> EP num: 1/2, len: 32, address: 0x81, EP max size: 64, dir: IN
14:15:34.741 -> EP num: 2/2, len: 32, address: 0x02, EP max size: 64, dir: OUT
14:15:34.741 -> capacity_cb: block_size: 512, block_count: 120127487
14:15:34.741 -> inquiry_cb
14:15:34.741 -> [  4689][E][msc.ino:216] write_test(): Failed to open file for writing
14:15:34.741 -> [  4694][E][msc.ino:145] read_test(): Failed to open file
14:15:34.774 -> [  4699][E][msc.ino:183] read_test(): Failed to stat dir : /msc

It is not what i would expect and i have to investigate why, but works.

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

ah oke, that's to bad. Could this be due to the warning with the msc name that the arduino ide gives out? And is there maybe a workaround to acces the data on the usb drive?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

No, its not related. I will think whats wrong.

RensMvP commented 2 years ago

Oke thank you in advance for looking into it. Hope you'll find it.

chegewara commented 2 years ago

I changed msc example to use printf instead of ESP_LOGI and it works, so it was my bad during tests. MSC host works good with master branch of this library and v2.0.3 arduino-esp32.

chegewara commented 2 years ago

After playing a bit i made a PoC code to update firmware from pendrive:

02:23:08.770 -> ESP-ROM:esp32s2-rc4-20191025
02:23:08.770 -> Build:Oct 25 2019
02:23:08.770 -> rst:0x1 (POWERON),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
02:23:08.803 -> SPIWP:0xee
02:23:08.803 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
02:23:08.803 -> load:0x3ffe6100,len:0x524
02:23:08.803 -> load:0x4004c000,len:0xa50
02:23:08.803 -> load:0x40050000,len:0x28cc
02:23:08.803 -> entry 0x4004c18c
02:23:08.935 -> [   605][E][ota.ino:10] partitionInfo(): Starting OTA example
02:23:08.935 -> [   605][E][ota.ino:23] partitionInfo(): Running partition type 0 subtype 16 (offset 0x00010000)
02:23:08.935 -> [   607][E][ota.ino:28] partitionInfo(): Writing to partition subtype 17 at offset 0x1f0000
02:23:09.332 -> [   990][I][update.ino:43] client_event_callback(): device speed: USB_SPEED_FULL, device address: 1, max ep_ctrl size: 64, config: 1
02:23:09.332 -> EP num: 1/2, len: 32, address: 0x81, EP max size: 64, dir: IN
02:23:09.332 -> EP num: 2/2, len: 32, address: 0x02, EP max size: 64, dir: OUT
02:23:09.332 -> inquiry_cb
02:23:09.365 -> /msc/firmware.bin
02:23:09.365 -> [  1045][E][ota.ino:10] partitionInfo(): Starting OTA example
02:23:09.365 -> [  1046][E][ota.ino:23] partitionInfo(): Running partition type 0 subtype 16 (offset 0x00010000)
02:23:09.365 -> [  1048][E][ota.ino:28] partitionInfo(): Writing to partition subtype 17 at offset 0x1f0000
02:23:09.398 -> [  1056][E][ota.ino:35] partitionInfo(): New firmware version: heads/idf-release/v4.4-0-gaa783
02:23:09.398 -> [  1065][E][ota.ino:40] partitionInfo(): Running firmware version: heads/idf-release/v4.4-0-gaa783
02:23:09.398 -> [  1074][E][ota.ino:73] otaBegin(): esp_ota_begin succeeded
02:23:19.325 -> [ 10989][E][ota.ino:92] otaEnd(): Prepare to restart system!
02:23:19.325 -> 
02:23:19.325 -> 
02:23:19.325 -> file size: 407616
02:23:20.318 -> ESP-ROM:esp32s2-rc4-20191025
02:23:20.318 -> Build:Oct 25 2019
02:23:20.318 -> rst:0x3 (RTC_SW_SYS_RST),boot:0x8 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
02:23:20.318 -> Saved PC:0x400263d9
02:23:20.318 -> SPIWP:0xee
02:23:20.318 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1
02:23:20.318 -> load:0x3ffe6100,len:0x524
02:23:20.318 -> load:0x4004c000,len:0xa50
02:23:20.318 -> load:0x40050000,len:0x28cc
02:23:20.318 -> entry 0x4004c18c
02:23:20.451 -> [   605][E][ota.ino:10] partitionInfo(): Starting OTA example
02:23:20.451 -> [   605][E][ota.ino:23] partitionInfo(): Running partition type 0 subtype 17 (offset 0x001f000
RensMvP commented 2 years ago

The msc example worked fantastic after changing the LOGI tot printf.

device speed: USB_SPEED_FULL, device address: 1, max ep_ctrl size: 64, config: 1
EP num: 1/2, len: 32, address: 0x01, EP max size: 64, dir: OUT
EP num: 2/2, len: 32, address: 0x82, EP max size: 64, dir: IN
capacity_cb: block_size: 512, block_count: 61439999
File written
READ fileHello World!
Found directory : /msc/System Volume Information (0 bytes)
Found file : /msc/README.txt (13 bytes)
Renaming file
Reading file
Read from file /msc/README1.txt: 'Hello World!'
[ 73109][E][msc.ino:135] read_test(): [TAG] Failed to open file
Found directory : /msc/System Volume Information (0 bytes)
Found file : /msc/README1.txt (13 bytes)
storage used: 393216/31444697088
E (81981) USBH: Device 1 gone

Now onto the the ota update, glad the example works!