chegewara / EspTinyUSB

ESP32S2 native USB library. Implemented few common classes, like MIDI, CDC, HID or DFU (update).
MIT License
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Request for example - Reading data from GPS USB dongle #131

Open AlexZibin opened 1 year ago

AlexZibin commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you for this perfect library. Please can you provide the example code how to handle data from GPS USB dongle in PlatformIO?

platform = espressif32
board = esp32-s3-devkitc-1
framework = arduino
chegewara commented 1 year ago

To handle data from GPS you probably need usb host functionality. It is not easy to add such example, because there may be many USB gps devices and each can use different protocol, so my advice is to find device documentation and start with CDC example.