chegewara / EspTinyUSB

ESP32S2 native USB library. Implemented few common classes, like MIDI, CDC, HID or DFU (update).
MIT License
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Cannot flash without going into bootloader mode #43

Closed xtrinch closed 2 years ago

xtrinch commented 2 years ago

While it's perfectly doable to put the board in bootloader mode and then flash, it would be really great to be able to flash it without that, like any other esp32 boards. The board isn't in sleep mode or anything, and I can even talk to it via webusb, but I can't flash it.

I'm getting this error:

CURRENT: upload_protocol = esptool
Looking for upload port...
Auto-detected: /dev/ttyACM0
Uploading .pio/build/esp32s2doit-devkit-v1/firmware.bin v3.1
Serial port /dev/ttyACM0
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 4582, in <module>
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 4575, in _main
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 4074, in main
    esp = esp or get_default_connected_device(ser_list, port=args.port, connect_attempts=args.connect_attempts,
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 121, in get_default_connected_device
    _esp.connect(before, connect_attempts)
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 629, in connect
    last_error = self._connect_attempt(mode=mode, esp32r0_delay=False, usb_jtag_serial=usb_jtag_serial)
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 590, in _connect_attempt
    self.bootloader_reset(esp32r0_delay, usb_jtag_serial)
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 553, in bootloader_reset
    self._setDTR(False)  # IO0=HIGH
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/packages/tool-esptoolpy/", line 499, in _setDTR
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/penv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/serial/", line 603, in setDTR
    self.dtr = value
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/penv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/serial/", line 473, in dtr
  File "/home/xtrinch/.platformio/penv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/serial/", line 715, in _update_dtr_state
    fcntl.ioctl(self.fd, TIOCMBIC, TIOCM_DTR_str)
OSError: [Errno 71] Protocol error
*** [upload] Error 1

Any ideas? Any help would be greatly appreciated, even if only to point me in the direction of what this error is and where do I start looking.

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Yes. The problem is that espressif changed the way it is possible to flash over native USB and i need to update library.

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Should work now with master and v1.3.3

xtrinch commented 2 years ago

Afraid not, still the same error :(

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Strange, it works to me now.

All you have to do is to implement CDC code, so using CDC example is best way to test.

oliverparis commented 2 years ago

I can confirm I'm seeing basically the same issue with this using the CDC example and v1.3.3.

Uploading .pio\build\esp32s2doit-devkit-v1\firmware.bin v3.1
Serial port COM20
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 4582, in <module>
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 4575, in _main
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 4076, in main
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 121, in get_default_connected_device
    _esp.connect(before, connect_attempts)
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 629, in connect
    last_error = self._connect_attempt(mode=mode, esp32r0_delay=False, usb_jtag_serial=usb_jtag_serial)
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 596, in _connect_attempt
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 487, in sync
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 425, in command
  File "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\packages\tool-esptoolpy\", line 388, in write
  File "c:\users\oliver\.platformio\penv\lib\site-packages\serial\", line 323, in write
    raise writeTimeoutError
serial.serialutil.SerialTimeoutException: Write timeout
*** [upload] Error 1
====================================================================== [FAILED] Took 15.66 seconds ======================================================================The terminal process "C:\Users\Oliver\.platformio\penv\Scripts\platformio.exe 'run', '--target', 'upload'" terminated with exit code: 1.

I was going to try the same test using Arduino IDE, and noticed that the file still shows V1.3.2 so it wont update easily through library manager. Not tried manually updating the library yet.

Does it matter that both Xtrinch and I are using PIO? Is the CDC upload only supported in Arduino IDE at the moment?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Question, did you change Upload Mode to internal?

oliverparis commented 2 years ago

OK, just manually updated the library in Arduino IDE and it works as expected - can program without manually entering bootloader mode. Upload Mode Internal must be set.

So seems that the only issue is actually that this isn't working with PIO?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

With this PR PIO should work fine soon and no longer needed to change local arduino files:

With PIO is problem with arduino-esp32 compatibility (probably).

oliverparis commented 2 years ago

Great! That PR will make the PIO environment setup much less fiddly. Thank you.

Been looking more into the CDC upload again and I agree, this is not a problem with this library, it is related to the PIO Arduino ESP32 implementation. I get the same results using the standard ESP32 Arduino USB example. I will raise an issue over on that project, explain my findings and see what they say.

As a workaround for now @xtrinch, I found that if you remove any specific upload port from your platformio.ini, attempt upload, it will fail but the ESP will go into bootloader mode, then attempt the upload a second time, it will successfully upload and reboot back into your program.

xtrinch commented 2 years ago

@oliverparis thanks, but I think our errors differ, my board always throws protocol error, not timeout, and it never works. Also, my board is fully awake and I can read its output via the serial monitor.

chegewara commented 2 years ago

I know it may be strange, but for some reason it also depends what code is flashed. For example i had issue and many errors trying to flash over USB when old CDC example was flashed. That example has been using USB serial and Serial1. I dont know exactly what caused the problem, but when i removed Serial1 from example it suddenly started working. No more issue with flashing over USB.

xtrinch commented 2 years ago

I don't use regular Serial in my code.

Also I logged the DTS & RTS signals in the tud_cdc_line_state_cb callback, and they are nowhere near correct, it mostly just receives DTS=1,RTS=1 continously. Almost like something is interfering with the setting of these signals from esptool.

But there isn't any problem setting them when connecting via a terminal, then it just receives DTS=1,RTS=1 once.

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Currently arduino-esp32 and esptool is using baudrate 1200 to signal it will going into bootload mode. It is the way espressif decided to workaround it for now. No longer DTR/RTS are used for that.

xtrinch commented 2 years ago

Odd, that makes me a bit confused. My flashing routine crashes at the DTR sending, in the following line: I don't see any baud rate changing in that piece of code?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Maybe you are still using old esptool.

I think it is in arduino-esp32 master branch and you have to update tools by running or get.exe.

Here is code from arduino-esp32 CDC responsible to enter bootload mode:

xtrinch commented 2 years ago

Oh, I didn't realize they have their own version of esptool.

platform = espressif32
platform_packages = 
  framework-arduinoespressif32 @
  platformio/tool-esptoolpy @ ~1.30100

So now I'm running the master branch of arduino-esp32 and if I uncomment this line I can flash it (although every second time, like @oliverparis suggested)

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Yes. The first one is switching into bootload mode and second just perform update. Its because old esptool is not using 1200 baudrate, instead DTR/RTS.