chegewara / EspTinyUSB

ESP32S2 native USB library. Implemented few common classes, like MIDI, CDC, HID or DFU (update).
MIT License
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Suspend and Remote Wakeup #82

Closed ayavilevich closed 2 years ago

ayavilevich commented 2 years ago

I am trying to program an ESP32-S2 to be a USB HID keyboard device which can "Remote Wakeup" the host. I am basing my code on the simple keyboard example: examples/device/hid/keyboard/keyboard.ino I have also registered callbacks with EspTinyUSB::registerDeviceCallbacks

However the device never goes to "suspend" state. USBCallbacks.onSuspend() abstract is never called. tud_suspended() is never true. Further more, if I put the host to sleep and wake it with another USB device (off the shelf keyboard) then my ESP32 is in connected but not mounted state. If I restart the ESP32 it goes to a normal connected+mounted state.

Is there something I am missing? Is this feature implemented?

BTW, for the dev env I am using with the following options:

platform =
board = esp32-s2-saola-1
framework = arduino
platform_packages = framework-arduinoespressif32 @
ayavilevich commented 2 years ago

Hey, please provide some context or point me in the right direction. Is this a bug or an unimplemented feature? Can this be developed or it this a limitation with the S2? How would I debug this?


chegewara commented 2 years ago

Its probably not implemented, but im not sure if in this library or in tinyusb.

ayavilevich commented 2 years ago

ok, I see that when using EspTinyUSB the tinyusb library is pre-compiled. Is there a way or process that I can use to have tinyusb in source code form so I can debug and inspect it?

ayavilevich commented 2 years ago

not supported in current esp-idf release