chegewara / EspTinyUSB

ESP32S2 native USB library. Implemented few common classes, like MIDI, CDC, HID or DFU (update).
MIT License
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HID Generic: OnData(..) does not trigger #84

Closed JorisKingma closed 2 years ago

JorisKingma commented 2 years ago

When uploading 'examples' > 'device' > 'hid' > 'generic' to the ESP32-S2 the onData(..) callback does not trigger when sending data. How to replicate:

  1. Upload the 'generic.ino' to the ESP32-S2
  2. using pyUSB, send a string to the "Interrupt OUT": esp.write(0x3, '1234567')
  3. Observe the serial output of the ESP32-S2, nothing happends :-/

The pyUSB script seems to work fine for the native USB examples on the Arduino IDE. I'm using Platformio in Visual Studio Code. Good to know: receiving data (from ESP to Computer) works perfectly.

My Code:

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <HardwareSerial.h>
#include "hidgeneric.h"

HIDgeneric dev;

class MyHIDCallbacks : public HIDCallbacks
  void onData(uint8_t report_id, hid_report_type_t report_type, uint8_t const *buffer, uint16_t bufsize)
    Serial.printf("ID: %d, type: %d, size: %d\n", report_id, (int)report_type, bufsize);
    dev.write("onData", 6);
    for (size_t i = 0; i < bufsize; i++)
      Serial.printf("%c", buffer[i]);

void setup()
  Serial.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, 39, 40);
  dev.setCallbacks(new MyHIDCallbacks());

  pinMode(0, INPUT_PULLUP);

  Serial.println("setup complete");

void loop()
  if (digitalRead(0) == 0)
    Serial.println("Button Pressed");



My Platformio.ini:

platform =
platform_packages =
   framework-arduinoespressif32 @
framework = arduino
board = esp32-s2-saola-1
lib_ldf_mode = deep ; needed to include FS
monitor_port = COM6
upload_port = COM4
monitor_speed = 115200
lib_deps =

Help with this issue is greatly appreciated; I really like Chegewara's code for it's simplicity.

JorisKingma commented 2 years ago

@chegewara, do you, or anyone else have a clue about why this is happening?

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Hi, sorry but i have no idea. I didnt work with HID generic for long time, so i cant say if it works now or not. My test app was QTpy app.

JorisKingma commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your reply Chegewara,much appreciated! I can't find a way with your code to send a char array from the computer to the ESP32-S2. Can you tel me, and other folks in the community, what code works for communicating both ways? Thank you in advance, I realize you schedule might be busy and your time is precious, I appreciate you taking the time!

chegewara commented 2 years ago

Ok, i spent few hours on it. I believe that my QT app is working (its simple app, so should be ok), but i cant figure out why esp32 cant receive data from PC. Simply the proper callback in tinyusb just is not fired. I am suspecting it may be problem with tinyusb component, but cant confirm it right now.

chegewara commented 2 years ago

After few more hours i found the problem, which was not easy. In tinyusb some callbacks definitions has been changed.

uint16_t tud_hid_get_report_cb(uint8_t report_id, hid_report_type_t report_type, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t reqlen)
void tud_hid_set_report_cb(uint8_t report_id, hid_report_type_t report_type, uint8_t const* buffer, uint16_t bufsize)


uint16_t tud_hid_get_report_cb(uint8_t instance, uint8_t report_id, hid_report_type_t report_type, uint8_t* buffer, uint16_t reqlen)
void tud_hid_set_report_cb(uint8_t instance, uint8_t report_id, hid_report_type_t report_type, uint8_t const* buffer, uint16_t bufsize)

Now it should works.

JorisKingma commented 2 years ago

@chegewara: you just put a big smile on my face; the program works like a charm, you're a star!