cheich / jquery.offcanvas

The easy way to arrange overloaded websites or to design user-friendly mobile navigations
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jquery.offcanvas inside div [solved] #2

Closed jquimera closed 6 years ago

jquimera commented 6 years ago

This plugin is perfect.

It would be possible to put the off-canvas inside a div, in a boxed layout. Similar to the example I made in the image below?


But I need the native scroll of the body / html, to remain.

Can someone help me? Thank you.

cheich commented 6 years ago

There is no option yet to enable scroll on the main canvas while it's inactive.

You can overwrite the default behavior with this (default is overflow: hidden):

.offcanvas-inactive, .offcanvas-main-inactive {
    overflow: auto;
jquimera commented 6 years ago

@cheich Thank you for your attention, I wanted something more or less like this.

This example is with the vmitsaras js-OffCanvas plugin. But I prefer its plugin, since it works perfectly on old browsers, and is lighter. Would it be possible to do the same with your jquery.offcanvas?


cheich commented 6 years ago

Can you create the not working example in codepen? I think it needs just some css resets.

jquimera commented 6 years ago

@cheich Here:

This is very good, I just do not want this scroll in the div. But in body / html.

cheich commented 6 years ago

This should fix it:

#page {
  overflow: visible;
  position: relative;

This overwrites CSS that is only required in 'base' mode.

However, in the example, .main-content has a fixed height of 1024px;. That means everything will be cut down even if the content is bigger. Get rid of that or set it to min-height: 1024px;.

Here is your updated snippet:

jquimera commented 6 years ago

@cheich This is perfect and very useful. Thanks.