chell-dev / Osiris

GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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lmao the whole client is shit #55

Closed Tigermouthbear closed 4 years ago

Tigermouthbear commented 4 years ago

lmao, you skidded kami and made it worse. you should have just found and replaced the words "KAMI"

x4e commented 4 years ago


Crystallinqq commented 4 years ago

kami with le herocode gui

DarkiBoi commented 4 years ago

Are you mentally deranged

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

accurate lmao

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

I don't think tiger is trans? Either way that's a disrespectful term to use, especially in a professional setting such as this.

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

lol finz0 mad

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

I'm not seeing a concrete argument really. Imagine arguing in github issues.

Too scared to actually confront me? My contact into is on my profile.

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

using slurs in 2020

kinda cringe bro

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

I closed the issues as invalid as they did not follow the issue template and as such were invalid. Neither of them were module bugs.

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

Yes, that it was I said. And a bug is unintentional behavior of the software. The program is completely intentionally called KAMI Blue.

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

I don't? Where did I say I was lol?

Also if you did, then everyone would call their iPhones "Steve Jobs Phones"

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

Github is a professional setting. If you want to go throw insults at someone for fun, then contact me.

Also I never said that.

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

oh also TRANNY

wow dude, that was such a great argument. Say it again. It really hurt my feeings :((

oh no i got called a tranny i'm so sad :c

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

What? you clearly said it when you joined a discord call?

please link the github issue where i said that

5HT2 commented 4 years ago

Therefor I am not.

I'm done here. You've been really rude and unprofessional, and this isn't going anywhere, nor would it have. Go find somewhere else to waste your time.

It doesn't help anyone to call someone a slur in github issues of all places.

Tigermouthbear commented 4 years ago

@FINZ0 can you at least give credit to the people you skidded from?

5HT2 commented 4 years ago


5HT2 commented 4 years ago

he tried to claim he wrote kami in my pull request here

Tigermouthbear commented 4 years ago

lmao :clown_face: