chelseybaker / iOSMessageExport

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Can you help me? What am I doing wrong? #7

Open kchic opened 10 years ago

kchic commented 10 years ago

Directory does not exist at line 23.

emmarumney commented 10 years ago

This is happening to me to. Can you help?

gdiphil commented 10 years ago

Perhaps you're problem is related to having a space in the path. If the path to your backup has a space in it, you will need to put quotes around it. For example:

perl --directory_path "/Users/me/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/123jfdsa903klfdsjaklceijwqjkelwaj"

seanjohnite commented 10 years ago

This is also the readout that I'm getting. My call is perl iOSMessageExport/ backupfolderreallylonglettersnumbers/

and the error is

Directory does not exist at iOSMessageExport/ line 23.

Running the perl debugger, the problem seems to come during the call to the "new()" subroutine in

Directory does not exist at iOSMessageExport/ line 23. at iOSMessageExport/ line 23. iOSSMSBackup::new('iOSSMSBackup', 'HASH(0x7fb7b082c718)') called at iOSMessageExport/ line 12 Debugged program terminated.

The arguments that are passed to new() ({backupdirectory => $directory, css => $css}) don't seem to have any values, as going into the subroutine and trying to define @ or $class or $params comes up with blanks. Here is the step before with the call to new()

main::(iOSMessageExport/ 12: my $ios_backup = iOSSMSBackup->new({backup_directory => $directory, css => $css});

I'm not a programmer, so I might be missing something obvious. Can anyone shed any more light on this?

ryan-nylander commented 10 years ago

The following commands in terminal should work:

  1. mkdir ~/Desktop/iOSBackup
  2. cd ~/Desktop/iOSBackup
  3. git clone
  4. export PERLLIB=iOSMessageExport/
  5. perl iOSMessageExport/ --directory_path "/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/BACKUP_ID/" Note, Replace USERNAME with your username (run whoami in terminal to find out) AND BACKUP_ID with one of the folder names (corresponds to IDs of devices backed up to your computer) located in ~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup (right click on finder in the dock and click 'Go to Folder').
robertlugg commented 9 years ago

...just to emphasize a bit on to ryan-nylander's instructions: In his step 5, you MUST have that trailing slash after your _BACKUPID

GabeYFisch commented 7 years ago

I was having the same issue with the error: Directory does not exist at iOSMessageExport/ line 23.

Maybe it was just me being a newb, but I was making the mistake of leaving out the part of the command that says --directory_path thinking that was just part of the instructions. Leave it!

perl iOSMessageExport/ --directory_path "/Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/Backup/BACKUP_ID/"

As previously stated... USERNAME and BACKUP_ID must be replaced with your specific username and folder ID. I also added the " " around the path just to be safe.

I signed up just to share this as it often happens that I see others resolve issues but don't offer the solution. I hope this helps! :)